Animal Allies - Money Magic - Spells

The Big Book of Practical Spells: Everyday Magic That Works - Judika Illes 2016

Animal Allies
Money Magic

If money could be earned solely by magical means, there'd be an awful lot of rich fortune-tellers. If those magical techniques have been uncovered, they remain under heavy guard. Magic can, however, provide for your needs if not for all your material desires. Magic can protect against poverty and if you find yourself in need of a specific sum of money, there are spells to help.


Consider 2 the number of power for money magic as it encapsulates the concept of doubling.


Money Charms: black pearl, citrine, emerald, lodestone. Worn or carried, these minerals should magnetically attract further prosperity.

Animal Allies

Cat, Dragon, Frog, Rabbit, and Rat guard Earth's treasures. In addition, each is perfectly comfortable accepting Earth's bounties. Work with their images (go back to the Animal Allies section if your memory needs refreshing) to attract prosperity and also to learn how to accept Earth's benevolence graciously and comfortably.


Money Plant bears that name because its seeds resemble coins. Money Plant flower essence (Pegasus Products) helps provide insight regarding barriers to prosperity and also helps adjust any inner obstacles that prevent you from achieving prosperity.