Henna for the Baby - Protection for Infants and Children - Spells

The Big Book of Practical Spells: Everyday Magic That Works - Judika Illes 2016

Henna for the Baby
Protection for Infants and Children

Infants and children are universally perceived as needing protection. A child's name may connect it to powerful forces. A name can connect to the protective power of an ancestor, deity or animal. Sharing a name is believed to impart a little of the elder's essence to junior. You are also entitled to call upon the blessings of any spiritual entity whose name you share.

Coral, jade and jet are favored amulets for children, as are the ubiquitous eyes and hands. Fish charms fastened to the hair protect a child while traveling over water.

Rose quartz is the stone of childhood and innocent love, promoting and protecting an open, trusting heart chakra. Its energy is extra beneficial for children, providing nurturing, loving, creative, protective energy. Rose quartz helps adults, too, by healing long-buried childhood trauma and abuse. A rose quartz bracelet nurtures and protects a child; adults wearing it for healing purposes might want to wear it against their heart.


Special Protectors of Pregnant Women and Children

Though there are many such spirits, Egyptians Bastet, Bes and Taweret are particularly devoted. Place their images in the birthing room or in a child's room. It's not likely you'll get an argument from the kids; these images tend to please them, if only for amusement. Bastet appears as a pretty cat who sometimes wears hoop earrings. Bes is a fierce but lovable lion-headed dwarf and his wife, Taweret, is a big-bellied pregnant hippo who sports women's breasts and a crocodile's tail! All are exceptionally devoted to women and children and bring joy and protection.


Henna for the Baby

In the Middle East, henna's magical and therapeutic properties are called on as soon as a baby is born. A paste of henna, flour and water is painted over the newly cut navel to stimulate healing and serve as a disinfectant. This first contact with henna is also believed to provide psychic safety, beauty and future wealth. Children are rarely elaborately painted with henna; however, the plant's therapeutic properties are more frequently relied upon. A feverish child is given a small moist ball of henna paste to hold, to help bring down the fever.