Having the Dreams You Desire - Dreams - Other powers: your Magic Allies

The Big Book of Practical Spells: Everyday Magic That Works - Judika Illes 2016

Having the Dreams You Desire
Other powers: your Magic Allies


Dream Pillows

To incubate special dreams and provide healing sound sleep, make a dream pillow. Yes, there are commercially available ones out there but by making your own, you can control the contents and receive the dreams that you desire.

No need to be a skillful sewer. You're making this for yourself. No one will inspect how even the stitches are. If you really hate to sew, wrap the herbs up in a white handkerchief and tie with a red, blue or silver bow. It won't be as comfortable as a little pillow and the herbs do have a tendency to spill out but it will be effective. Drawstring bags work, too. If you want a shortcut or if you've found a really great-looking commercial dream pillow, gently remove the stitches from one end and either replace the herbs or dress them with a little fragrance oil.

A basic pillow is made by cutting two pieces of muslin or some soft, plain material. Natural fabrics breathe better than synthetics and allow you better access to the herb's fragrance.

The standard size is 12 inches by 8 inches but you can adjust this to your own liking. Personally, I prefer small ones half that size. Stitch three sides of the two cloths together so that one end is left open. Turn the little bag inside out so that the seams and knots are now on the inside. The goal is to make everything as smooth as possible, so like “The Princess and the Pea,” there is nothing to disturb your slumber. This is the inner bag in which you will place your dream herbs. Following the insertion of the herbs, sew the last seam shut.

For some this is sufficient. Others like to add another bag as a cover. It should be only slightly larger so that the first bag fits inside. It should also be made from a natural fabric that allows access to the herbal aroma. Silk is popular, as is cotton or linen. Flax calls in Hulda, another Germanic Queen of Witches, a staunch provider of dreams, wealth and health. You can decorate this bag, just be careful to leave it as smooth as possible. You can also add fasteners, just make sure they're smooth and situated where they won't stick you. This bag may be washed. The pillow that contains the herbs may only be washed if you remove the herbs.

The simplest dream pillow of all is filled with mugwort alone.

· Mugwort intensifies dreams, making them linger so that you're more likely to remember them.

· Mugwort encourages clairvoyance and is an invaluable tool if you're trying to contact the spirit realm.

· Mugwort provides spiritual protection while you sleep. You can take some chances in your dream life with the knowledge that mugwort provides a shield against any psychic dangers.

· If you really want confidence, place mugwort directly upon your chest as you sleep, either by laying the pillow there or by placing either a sprig of the herb or a small flannel bag containing dried mugwort. A wormwood twig or root works, too.


There are many herbs and fragrances that are beneficial for dreaming. You're not restricted to only one dream pillow. The only stipulations are that you don't want an aroma so stimulating that it keeps you awake. Also make sure you like the smell. It doesn't matter what it's supposed to do if the smell irritates you and keeps you restless and awake. You also don't want any sharp edges in your pillows. All materials should be considered from that standpoint. Rose petals are thus better than rosebuds, which can be hard and pointy. Grind dried herbs in your mortar and pestle to make them softer and powdery.

Combine the herbs as you wish. You can use one or many. You may want to balance herbs that promote restful sleep with those that promote active dreaming. Some recipes follow (see page 124): use these as guidelines to proportion rather than as a rigid amount. A standard-size dream pillow takes about 8 to 10 ounces of dried herbs but everything depends upon the actual size of your pillow and whether the intensity of the fragrance pleases you. Don't stuff the pillow too full: you want it to remain loose and flat, so that it's comfortable under your head, not lumpy and hard.

· Because crystals need to be cleansed frequently, they are better kept out of dream pillows but dream roots may be added, such as High John the Conqueror or wormwood. Use only a small piece and bury it in the center of your pillow, covering it with softer herbs.

Mix your herbs in a container. If you're adding fragrance oils, add only a very few drops of liquid. Mix with a wooden chopstick or twig. Allow the mixture to dry completely before stuffing your pillow. If the smell isn't strong enough, add the liquid in batches, drop by drop, allowing the herbs to completely dry out before adding more, although be aware that fragrances tend to seem stronger in the dark when there is less outside stimulation. If the herbs get too wet, they may rot or smell acrid and are more likely to produce disturbing dreams than beautiful ones.

A Selection of Dream Herbs

Alecost: facilitates contact with the Earth Mother.

Angelica: provides prophetic dreams, visions and protection.

Anise: repels nightmares—use only a smidgen of the seed, as many find the fragrance of anise to be stimulating. A little should stimulate pleasant, romantic, sexy dreams. Anise may also increase psychic potential.


Cover your mattress with whole dried bay leaves and then cover with a clean white sheet to attract good fortune and sweet dreams.


Bay Laurel: provides prophetic dreams and creative inspiration, gives spiritual protection and inspires self-confidence. Crumble the dried leaves, as whole bay leaves can be very sharp. The tips can stick you right through the fabric.

Bee Balm: provides restful sleep.

Black Mustard Seeds: repel night demons and malevolent forces.

Calendula Blossoms: promote sound, peaceful sleep and physical healing, soothes nerves.

Catnip: promotes romantic dreams and restful, sound sleep providing you don't have a cat who will claw you in an attempt to reach your pillow.

Chamomile Blossoms: provide romantic and financially inspirational dreams, spiritual protection and sound restful sleep.

Cloves: initial scent is stimulating, but for most, continuous inhalation produces relaxation and deep, restful sleep. It promotes psychic and erotic dreams. Cloves also provide spiritual protection. Grind the cloves (smash them in your mortar and pestle) so that they'll be more comfortable.

Henna: brings good fortune, protection, fertility, romantic and erotic dreams. Henna produces a grounding effect, provides links to the Earth Mother and the Fire Angels.

Hops: provides peaceful, healing, very sound sleep.

Lavender Blossoms: promote peaceful sleep and sweet dreams. Lavender's fragrance is reputed to allow you to see ghosts.

Lilac Blossoms: provide access to past life memories and heal broken hearts.

Linden Blossoms: promote inspirational dreams, sound restful sleep.

Mullein: protects against nightmares.

Peppermint: encourages visions of one's future.

Purslane: protects the sleeper from spiritual dangers.

Rose: brings romantic, erotic and psychic dreams. Rose eases grief and provides protection; promotes intense healing while one sleeps. Rose is beneficial for threshold states including premarital, premenstrual and premenopausal.

Rosemary: some find rosemary's scent too stimulating to permit sleep, so experiment with only a little bit at first. Dried blossoms may be preferable to the leaves. Rosemary provides mental stimulation while one sleeps and is excellent for students. It promotes romantic dreams and provides psychic protection.

Saint John's Wort: promotes psychic healing and soothes stress. Saint John's Wort strengthens resolve and is beneficial for those battling addictions, it also stimulates psychic power and provides spiritual protection.

Spruce Needles: pulverize them into powder. A Shoshone charm to prevent illness, spruce needles will also provide deep, peaceful sleep.

Vanilla Bean: promotes romantic and erotic dreams.

Vervain: provides protection and sound sleep, financial inspiration and romantic dreams. A Pawnee recommendation for pleasant dreams.

Wormwood (root): provides protection, romance, psychic enhancement, encourages communication with the spirits.

Although dream pillows can be created to stimulate whatever dreams you desire, some specifically promote sleep, encourage the dream process and facilitate your psychic capacity and skills.


Insomnia Pillow

You'd love to dream, if only you could get to sleep. . . . Hops provide sound slumber.

4 ounces dried hops

2 ounces dried rose petals

2 ounces either calendula, cowslip or lavender blossoms


Prophetic Dreams Pillow

When you need to know what happens next.

4 ounces dried peppermint leaves

4 ounces dried rose petals

A few drops essential oil of sandalwood


Fly Me To The Moon: An Astral Projection Pillow

Artemis is the Greek goddess of the moon and magic. If you're trying to fly, sample Artemis' two favorite herbs.

4 ounces dried mugwort

4 ounces dried Dittany of Crete


To provide a grounding effect beneficial for safe astral projection, place individual jasper crystals over each of the seven chakra points.



Only a very little is needed at a time, so use these drop by drop, in combination with dream pillows or independently.


You're not limited to oil. Sprigs of any of these plants on your pillow or a potted plant placed near your bed—so that its scent wafts over you—can be effective, too.


· Place a drop on your sheets or pillow or rub one drop onto your forehead at bedtime.

· For a luxurious and relaxing bedtime ritual, warm up a little walnut or hazelnut oil.

· Add a few drops of the dream oil of your choice and massage into your feet and ankles.

· If you share a bed, massage each other and make a date to rendezvous in dreamland.

Dream Plants

Bergamot: soothes nerves, aids peaceful sleep.

Coconut: provides spiritual protection, promotes romantic dreams.

Frankincense: encourages deep, rhythmic breathing, soothes worries and stress, provides spiritual protection, calls in powerful spirits.

Gardenia: brings romantic and erotic dreams, provides psychic protection.

Heliotrope: promotes healing, prophetic dreams and financial inspiration.

Hibiscus: promotes erotic dreams and prophetic dreams.

Honeysuckle: promotes erotic dreams, psychic dreams, used to access buried memories. Honeysuckle will also help you forget a lost love and lessen destructive nostalgia.

Hyacinth: provides spiritual protection, soothes disturbing dreams.

Jasmine: promotes romantic and sensual dreams, invigorates the libido and provides spiritual healing.

Juniper: provides protection, assists in accessing buried memories, promotes healing on all planes.

Lavender: promotes sound sleep, peaceful and romantic dreams.

Mimosa: promotes prophetic dreams, provides a shield for those who are psychically and emotionally vulnerable.

Mugwort Infused Oil: intensifies the entire dreaming process. Use only a tiny bit at a time, as mugwort tends to provide exciting, adventurous dreaming. Some enjoy it but others find the dreams too intense and wild and wake up more tired than rested.


Orange blossoms were traditionally placed upon a bride's pillow to arouse erotic interest while assuaging her fears. Essential oil of Neroli is extracted from orange blossoms and is among the most expensive oils. Petitgrain, extracted from the twigs and unripe fruits of the orange and comparatively inexpensive, is more than adequately substituted. Petitgrain's ability to induce sound sleep may be even more potent.


Myrrh: promotes erotic dreams, offers spiritual protection and has a soothing, healing effect.

Neroli: provides peaceful sleep, protection and eases stress.

Rose: relieves stress and tension, allays grief, heals a broken heart, provides romantic dreams.

Tagetes: stimulates erotic dreams and encourages communication with those who've passed from this existence, whether to receive or transmit a message.

A warm bath before bedtime soothes the spirit and relaxes the body. Add a fragrance that elicits dreams. Some of the most powerful psychic fragrances, gardenia and heliotrope for instance, are rarely available as essential oils, although, in theory, they exist. Because producing an essential oil from these flowers is so labor intensive, or yields such tiny quantities, what is commercially available is almost inevitably a synthetic reproduction. Some smell so similar that they may stimulate your psychic imagination anyway and may be effective; however they do lack the physical properties and power of the true plant. Make infused waters from fresh blossoms. Add these to bathwater, place in a spray bottle and spritz the bedroom or sheets, or use as a facial toner before bed.


There are other ways to use plants to promote dreaming. Try placing one of these under your pillow:

Ash leaf promotes prophetic dreams.

Bay leaf keeps the tone of your dreams pleasant. Placed under your pillow on Valentine's Day, a bay leaf helps you dream up your true love.

Calendula blossoms provide prophetic dreams and help you to identify a thief.

Cinquefoil normally has five points. A rare seven-pointed specimen under your pillow will help you call up the image of your true love.

Daisy roots bring dreams of absent or long-lost lovers.

Eucalyptus Seedpods guard against colds and infections and help build up physical immunity while you sleep.

Four Leaf Clovers bring dreams of love and help you to visualize your true love.



Sweet Dreams Bath

Bay leaves

Lilac blossoms

Yellow rose petals

Make an infusion with a fistful of each of the dried botanicals and add to your bath. If you have fresh flowers, just let them drift in the tub. (Don't clean up the residue left in the tub until after you wake up; the effort will awaken you.)


Remember Your Dreams Bath

4 drops essential oil of juniper

4 drops essential oil of lavender

Four drops of essential oil of mimosa

Draw a warm bath and then add the essential oils. Swirl them around and enter the tub.


And if cost is no object . . .


Luxurious Remember Your Dreams Bath

4 drops essential oil of jasmine

4 drops essential oil of lavender

2 drops honeysuckle absolute

2 drops essential oil of neroli

Draw a warm bath and add the essential oils just prior to entering the water.


Herbs can also be burned in the bedroom to provide restful sleep and stimulate dreams and psychic protection. The incense is prepared and burned before you sleep.

1. Close the doors and windows.

2. Walk through the room with your incense, fanning the fragrance into all corners and especially around the bed.

3. Allow the incense to burn out naturally and dispose of it safely.

4. When you're ready to sleep, open doors and windows as desired.


Dream Incense

Chopped or powdered bay leaves

Cedarwood shavings

Lavender blossoms

Pulverize equal parts and then burn. This incense should stimulate more vivid dreams and help you to remember them better.


Sweet Dreams Anti-Insomnia Incense

Frankincense resin

Storax resin

Rose blossoms

This incense promotes deep sleep while stimulating sweet dreams. Storax has served as a remedy for insomnia since ancient Mesopotamia. Pound the two resins together in your mortar and pestle, then add the rose blossoms and burn.


Calea zacatechichi, a native of the Mexican rainforest also known as Dream Herb, is treasured for its ability to facilitate reception of spiritual advice and information in dreams. Traditional method of use is tea, however, newcomers beware: it doesn't taste very good. Unlike mugwort, which can be doctored with a little peppermint and lemon balm, there's not too much you can do to improve the flavor of zacatechichi. Try burning it as incense before you sleep; the effects remain profound. No need to venture into the rainforest to gather zacatechichi; it grows easily from seed indoors. Burn it alone or partnered with dried sage.



Stones and crystals can also facilitate dreaming and protect slumber.

· An amethyst under your pillow encourages sound sleep and promotes prophetic dreams.

· A garnet under your pillow keeps nightmares away.

· Citrine serves to stimulate dreams.

· Red coral attached to a bedpost dispels nightmares and protects against any spiritual dangers.

· A moonstone worn upon the body while you sleep performs the same functions as red coral.

· A precious gemstone isn't necessarily your most powerful tool. Finding a plain old pebble with a natural hole in it is a gift from the Earth Mother, to foster communication and enable you to receive healing dreams. Run a cord through the pebble and attach to your bed or yourself.

And finally, are you having too many dreams? Do you need a break? Hang a sprig of lemon verbena around your neck at bedtime as a temporary cease and desist.