Botanicals - Other powers: your Magic Allies

The Big Book of Practical Spells: Everyday Magic That Works - Judika Illes 2016

Other powers: your Magic Allies

Botanicals are ironically both the most challenging and most prevalent allies. Perhaps their very commonality creates the challenge: because plants are all around us, it's easy to underestimate their power. To some extent, you can choose whether to work with crystals, metals, spirits or animal allies. It is very difficult to perform any sort of magic without the aid of botanicals. There are very few spells that do not somehow involve botanicals. Botanicals are used in many forms: as plants (either the living whole plant or fresh or dried plant parts) and as plant-derived materials, especially essential oils and flower essences.


Just as with animal allies, each plant has a presiding spirit and it is actually this entity with whom you form your alliance. The entity may appear in the form of the plant, an animal or in human form, in dreams and in visions.


If working with animal allies, spirits, minerals or metals, magic can remain purely on the spiritual plain. Working with plants adds a new dimension. Herbalism is the most ancient medical system and plants remain the basis for most modern medications. Herbalism is a holistic medical system: interaction with botanicals affects humans on the physical, emotional and spiritual planes simultaneously. With the sole exception of flower essences, there is always a physical interaction, although some plants are very gentle and others have a reasonably neutral effect for most. You need to know what effect they will have upon your body, not only when taking herbs internally as tea or as food but also when using them in baths, incense or oils.


Every effort has been made to feature only herbs that are generally safe and to note any exceptions. However, if you possess any physical vulnerability, whether high or low blood pressure, a seizure disorder or suppressed immune system, you need to research the potential effect of any plants that you come into contact with. Many botanicals are not safe for use during pregnancy or nursing, nor should herbs ever be administered to young children without expert supervision.


How did humans learn about the individual properties of plants? Scientific wisdom considers that it came about through an extended period of trial and error. Shamanic wisdom considers that the plants and their presiding spirits actually communicated their properties directly, usually through song and vision and by serving as allies to chosen individuals who then shared their acquired knowledge with others. The intelligence and consciousness of plants is subject to both scientific and occult study. There are many individuals who claim to have direct, ongoing communication with plants and their presiding spirits.