
Poppet Magick: Patterns, Spells & Formulas for Poppets, Spirit Dolls & Magickal Animals - Silver RavenWolf 2018



You will not find these definitions on the internet—they were constructed as an aid to working through this book and are relative only to the material herein.

Braucherei/Pow-Wow: Pennsylvania German folk magickal practices, which are a combination of German High Magick, Nordic pre-Christian practices, Southern country philosophy, American Gothic rural folk magick, Gypsy influence and Native American herbal cures for the ailments of human and beast, the seen and unseen, medicinal and…otherwise. Pow-Wow is a unique system that relies on one’s belief, intent, and the manipulation of energy by means of what we now understand to be the quantum physics of the mind. The system of Braucherei/Pow-Wow works regardless of the practitioner’s preference in religion because of its simple and powerful foundation: belief.

Granny Magick: Folk magick practices, beliefs, and superstitions of early Americana, particularly along the Appalachian Trail, but not limited to there.

Ornies: Small (3 to 6 inches) stitched ornaments made of felt, fabric, and some type of stuffing, and often displayed in bowls—these items are sometimes called bowl ornaments or tucks.

Poppet: A poppet is any doll that represents a human being, real or imagined.

Primitive Dolls: Folk art style of early Americana; however, primitive doll styles can be found in all cultures throughout history. Designs were considered “unskilled” or rough-hewn due to materials, skill, or primitive implements used.

Prims: The definition today is difficult, as the art world and consumer taste continues to change, adding new words or reinventing old words at fad speed. Today, prim means a design that is a throwback to an earlier, more rustic era (which era is debatable). Prims are simple, unsophisticated, unrefined. Prims can also be considered American Gothic, particularly the animal designs. Many of the animals in this book are considered prims—the bowl of kitties, the ducks, or any animal that is grunged or looks primitive.

Shelf-Sitter: A handmade ornament, design, or animal constructed of fabric that sits on a shelf and most likely needs to be propped for display.

Spirit Doll: A spirit doll is any doll that represents a particular energy or group of blended energies created and then released for whatever purpose you desire. Spirit dolls can be in the shape of people or any image you wish. The point is that the design of the dolls speaks to the heart of the matter—that in your mind the spirit doll absolutely represents a specific collection of energy that can be as single-purposed as joy or as complicated as the desire to succeed in a particular line of business, where several steps and associations are required. The energy can be the magnification of a single astrological planet or the strength of a vibrational color or a blend. A spirit doll carries the energy to the target; a poppet is the target.

Tucks: Small (3 to 6 inches) handmade ornaments that can be “tucked” in a corner for decoration, on a shelf, in a basket, etc. Tucks and ornies are basically the same things.

Whisper Magick: Folk magickal practice with a Braucherei/Pow-Wow foundation and added Granny Magick techniques. The main premise is the whispering of chants, charms, and prayers to manipulate the world around you in positive ways. This particular magickal study includes plant and animal nature balance, utilizing what you already have on hand, and making your own supplies.