
Poppet Magick: Patterns, Spells & Formulas for Poppets, Spirit Dolls & Magickal Animals - Silver RavenWolf 2018



To Create is

To Change

Every practitioner is different, relying on experience, training, practice, belief, and crafting ability. The poppets, dollies, and enchanted animals herein are merely a reflection of my work; how you choose to construct and empower your projects is entirely up to you. Be creative. Embrace change. Be daring! Let your passion and your intuition be your guides.

I would like to thank you for purchasing this book and working along with me. It is my greatest desire that this information brings you ultimate joy! Don’t stop with what I’ve given here; follow your heart. Large or small, plain or highly decorated, your poppets, spirit dolls, and magickal animals will be delighted to assist you in changing your world. Just ask them!


Your enchanted dolls, poppets, and spirit animals become patterns of being in their own right, and in that blending of energy through fabric, thread, paper, and stuffing to make the unique design, the vibration may call for additional items, whether purposeful or whimsical, that you feel you must include. It doesn’t matter what you choose, as the importance is a piece of the totality. These choices are extremely intuitive. No one can tell you the “right” formula; only you know this. As you stand in your experience—your schooling, your knowledge, your events and emotions—only you can be the creator or creatrix of the work that you do.

There is no mass production. There is no right way (other than we don’t want our doll to fall apart—or maybe we do). Sometimes our dolls will tell us that they want a special blanket or a bag to hold more charms—something that can only be included after the doll has been completed. Perhaps the doll wishes to sit in a bag as part of its personal protection or would like to travel with you in a special bag. Sometimes the doll will call for a companion; for example, I finished a large pumpkin doll who implicitly told me that she had to have a friend with her. Might I make a raven? So I did—Priscilla the Pumpkin now has Peabody the Raven sitting on her arm.

In the beginning, I felt that listening to these thoughts was stupid. And, to be honest, people even called me stupid. I remember reading on social media someone’s opinion on how dumb I was as they laughed at my country prim dolls and animals. There I was, following my passion, and someone felt the need to publicly diss my bliss. And then I realized—don’t buy into someone’s agony. It isn’t yours. It doesn’t belong to you. All these people are doing is telling the world they are in pain, and then trying to mask their own problems with voluminous prose of feigned outrage based on this cause or that—the smoke and mirrors of psychological dysfunction. It wasn’t about me at all, not one little bit. Rather than fuss about it any further, I chose to look forward. To concentrate on joy. To settle for nothing less than healing.

You may have noticed that this topic of conversation flows through the pages of this book. I have been asked often lately about being bullied and how to magickally handle it, especially on the internet in regard to one’s creative product, whether you are writing or drawing or making little stuffed animals. Our electronic age, as marvelous as it might be, has sacrificed much in the realms of positive communication. Once upon a time it was only the famous who were forced to deal with negativity through the media; now, with the internet, everyone is fair game.

My advice?

Go ahead: make the poppet.

Or the drawing.

Or the new dance move.

Or whatever your little creative heart desires.

For in art lies joy and healing for all.

May the power of the dollies be ever with you!

Silver RavenWolf

APRIL 2017