
Poppet Magick: Patterns, Spells & Formulas for Poppets, Spirit Dolls & Magickal Animals - Silver RavenWolf 2018



My fascination with poppets and effigies began as a child when someone gave me a finger puppet and told me that the puppet had the power to grant wishes.

I believed this, and it was so.

Years later, I read an article on creating primitive dolls in a magazine. These interesting creatures are made of muslin, painted, grunged (rubbed with spices, coffee grounds, and wet tea bags, then baked in the oven at 185 degrees), and then dressed with a particular theme, usually country prim, as it is called. I became so enamored with the idea of this do-it-yourself-dolly that I studiously set out to create one. During the process, I realized the amount of energy, care, and time that I put into the doll birthed its own unique magickal pattern, whether I was aware of it or not. When I stuffed the doll, I added empowered sigils, herbs, gemstones, and charms to direct my purpose. After weeks of work, when the doll was finally completed, I sat back and realized that, in its own way, the doll was very much alive.


This feeling brought back the memory of that finger puppet so many years ago that brought me ice cream and pretzels and a ride on a horse. When I foolishly told people about the power of my puppet—you guessed it: the power disappeared, and so did the puppet.

After I created my first primitive doll, I began researching the history of poppets and spirit dolls—how they were used in antiquity and how they are still used today. I made another doll, this time incorporating more magickal applications than before, several based on what I’d learned from my research. Elements of Braucherei and Granny Magick crept into my image-creations as I produced doll after doll. Using my patterns, my daughters even made their own dolls to protect their homes.

For five years I turned from writing to creating—fashioning spirit dolls, ornies, and tucks in various animal shapes and freely sharing those patterns online. You can find many of these patterns for free on my blog at

Stories about how well the dolls worked for their owners began filtering in. People found the jobs they needed, the harmony they wanted, the healing they desired, and more. I decided to share my techniques so that anyone who wanted to unite magick and spirituality with crafting and art might benefit from what I’d learned.

This book shows you the process of the simple image doll—from a selection of materials and patterns designed by myself to sigils, timing, empowerment, and decommissioning your doll if this falls within its purpose. From a mechanical standpoint, I’ve provided everything you need to know—from fabric to clay, soap, paper selection and more. Spiritually, I have included incantations and magickal rites in the hope that you find not only the amazing magick in the fulfillment of making something with your own hands, but experience the wondrous power of the magical spirit doll as its energy blesses your life and brings great joy to those you love.

As you read this book, please view it through the lens of humanity rather than through the smoke of your culture or what you think you already know. Allow your mind to be open, and the energies will speak to you in ways you did not think possible. Everyone finds a niche in magick—something that is unique and special to them, something that is super empowering both for themselves and for others. When I make a doll for a person, I throw my whole essence into it—I reach out and touch the spirit-soul of the individual the doll is for, and I may spend days with that open connection until the doll is completed. This spiritual link is a web of pure love, carrying my wishes that the individual be happy, protected, and recover from whatever negative there may be at hand.

Twenty years ago I would have laughed in your face if you told me that I would be a Mistress of Dolls.

And now look at me! Surrounded by poppets, dollies, and spirit animals that have taught me how to send power in loving form to others who are in need. Who woulda thunk?

To me, a doll is an emissary of your creative essence seated in the physical world. So, the question then arises…

What will you send when you make your poppets, dollies, or spirit animals?

My suggestion:

Be loving…be joyful…be filled with the glitter that this life can bring.

Be determined…be artful…be confident!

Before any working, your statements—either aloud or in your mind—should be:


“Yes! This is possible!”

“Yes! The Power is there for me to use, and I’m darned well going to use it!”

“Yes! What I want will be done!”

What’s next?

Zap a dolly and do!

The world is anxiously awaiting your creations!

As I stitch thee

So I wish thee