Eucalyptus - A Compendium of Plants

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

A Compendium of Plants


creativity, clarity, energy clearing, healing

The Eucalyptus genus has more than 400 different species, most of which are native to Australia. Eucalyptus globulus, also known as Tasmanian blue gum, is the main source of eucalyptus oil. Eucalyptus trees give off a strong, refreshing scent. They grow tall and fast, and some varieties store water so heavily that if you press on their bark, a stream runs down from your fingers.


Eucalyptus has amazing antimicrobial properties; she can treat colds and respiratory problems, fungal infections, and wounds. She can support dental care, act as an insect repellent, alleviate pain, and stimulate the immune system.


I understand that not everyone can grow or have access to a eucalyptus tree, but you can have a beautiful relationship with her without that direct connection. You can work with her leaves, burning them to invite creativity and cleanse negativity. You can work with her oil, dressing blue candles for healing, or placing the oil on your wrists to deepen meditation. You can also add eucalyptus oil to water to use as a cleansing floor wash. I love to use her leaves to sweep my altar, leaving it vibrating with positive energy, energy that is great to work with for healing spells, creativity work, art, and even guarding against evil eye. I also religiously take a bunch of eucalyptus and hang it on my shower head, replacing it twice a year. This allows the steam of your shower to activate the eucalyptus, igniting her healing properties. The scent alone sends you into peace, calming both the mind and body.


Eucalyptus is possibly the sweetest soul I’ve ever met. Her wisdom speaks of keeping your body, mind, and spirit sacred and healthy. I grow my own trees, and the level of spiritual connection that happens when you care for her is unexplainable. She reflects back all that you give, and her gifts are simply life-changing. She is always chiming in when I’m having trouble making a decision, she nudges me when I need to do more spiritual healing, and she whispers when I need to cleanse my home or myself. She is a spiritual guide of sorts, and I would love for you to have that relationship with her. If eucalyptus visits you in your dreams, this means you may have a spiritual block. Listen closely to her wisdom, and put her advice to work to clear whatever may be blocking you.