Plant Language - The Secret Language of Plants

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

Plant Language
The Secret Language of Plants

Let’s explore further and gain a deeper understanding of what it means to be a Plant Witch and how to walk this path you have already begun to follow. The first step is to become conscious of how every single being in this world speaks to and interacts with each other, as their spirits intertwine.

Avoid gurus, follow plants.


Plant Language

Plants talk to each other all the time.

Sounds crazy, right? But it’s true, and it’s backed up by scientific evidence. Of course, we don’t need research to prove something humans have understood for eons—my ancestors certainly never needed a scientist to tell them what they already knew. But the science geek in me loves reading about how the whole world is awakening to the truths hidden within our Mother.

For example, two studies published in 1983 demonstrated that willow trees, poplars, and sugar maples can warn each other about insect attacks. The first study was done by zoologist David Rhoades from the University of Washington, and he found that the Sitka willow could literally change the nutritional content of its leaves, so that harmful caterpillars infesting it would be less interested—but the truly amazing thing was that nearby willows who were not infested also altered their leaves. A similar study published later that same year by Ian Baldwin and Jack Schultz from Dartmouth University placed healthy poplar and sugar maple seedlings next to infected saplings…and the healthy seedlings began producing anti-herbivore chemicals.

These trees somehow knew what their neighbors were experiencing and reacted to it.

Plant language is real, and you can learn to speak it.

As you connect to the plant’s energy, that energy becomes a language you translate within yourself. This language will be different for every person, and yours is unique to you. I will help you begin to talk with plants by sharing with you the medicinal and Magical properties each plant offers, as well as the wisdom they offer me. This will get you started, as you learn to connect with plant energy and grow fluent in this language.

The reality is that we are as much a part of the Earth as plants are. Once upon a time, we could speak their language just as well as the bees could. But we have lost touch with that part of ourselves, the part of us that knows why we’re here—really, who we are.