Clover Trifolium - A Compendium of Plants

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

Clover Trifolium
A Compendium of Plants


love, luck, success, protection

It’s not only four-leaf clovers that are valuable and Magical! The most commonly found clover has three leaves, and her blossoms come in white or red. Clover, less commonly known as trefoil, has so many uses in Magic, as she has been part of a Plant Witch’s practice for centuries. She is also well known as shamrock, a lucky symbol for the Irish.


Red clover flower tops can treat respiratory issues such as asthma and severe cough. Clover may also be able to prevent cancer, to calm indigestion, to combat high cholesterol, skin disorders, and inflammatory conditions, and is great for general women’s health issues.


The common three-leaf clover provides protection. You can keep a dried clover in your wallet or in your shoe, where she will journey with you and protect you from harm. A four-leaf clover doesn’t just bring good luck, she strengthens psychic powers. You can work with her to amplify vibrations of luck, success, and love. White clover is best for protection and banishment spells. Keep clover plants in the home for happiness and luck, or gift this plant to those in need of an uplift, or to a new friend.


Clover is extremely helpful in our journey to self-discovery and awareness, particularly in the Witch community. Many of us have grown up in a society that looks down on Witches and gifted beings, leaving us scared and hidden for most of our lives. Clover can help us banish the programming we received in our childhood that makes us hide our gifts. Make sure to meditate with clover during the Full Moon to rid yourself of old programming and to help find your truth. The flowers are gentle beings who simply want to brighten up your day.

Dreaming of clover symbolizes good things coming your way, though if you dream of withering clover flowers, that indicates there is danger nearby.