Clove Syzygium aromaticum - A Compendium of Plants

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

Clove Syzygium aromaticum
A Compendium of Plants


abundance, new beginnings, protection, love

This aromatic spice comes from the dried flower buds of the clove tree. This is an evergreen with flowers that turn from pale green to red when they are ready to harvest. Clove flower buds are harvested in their immature state and then dried, after which they are valued for cuisine, and medicinal and Magical purposes.


Clove is a strong insect repellent, particularly against ants. Clove oil can soothe a sore tooth and also ease a toothache, reduce a fever, and prevent premature ejaculation. It is important to note that clove may cause adverse effects if taken orally by people with liver disease, blood clotting, and immune system disorders.


Clove is most commonly incorporated into love spells, perhaps because she has been known to increase libido. Ground cloves pressed into a candle can invite new love or strengthen a love that is already present. Clove is also a very protective being, and can be placed over your doors to keep out ill will, or over your bed to keep nightmares away. You can make a bracelet or necklace with cloves for your children to protect them from the evil eye, and you can put some clove oil on your forehead to keep other energies from intruding on your mind.

For protection spells, mix ground cloves with salt (it’s best to grind them yourself with a mortar and pestle) and sprinkle the mixture as a barrier between you and whatever may be harmful, or simply all around your home. The bright, complex, and warm scent of clove can stimulate your mental processes, particularly your memory, and also open up your heart, making you more empathetic and present for others.


Clove brings a message of new beginnings. If you are lucky enough to have a clove tree or know where to find one, lie down and gaze between her branches into the sky, focusing on one spot. This is a form of divination, for what you see is what needs to be done in order for you to be reborn. Invite clove into your dreams by keeping her under your pillow. Your dreams will vary depending on what form of guidance clove believes you need, though primarily she works to remove any fear you may have about starting on a new path.