Learning from My Elders - What is Plant Witchery?

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

Learning from My Elders
What is Plant Witchery?

My mom makes medicine and Magic with the guidance of plants. When I was a little girl, she would converse with them. This was normal for me, especially since I could hear the plants respond, just as clearly as I could hear my mother talking. She never told me that this was something rare, that not everyone spoke to plants or could understand them. She allowed it to be a natural part of our lives.

So now, if I’m doing a custom spell for someone, doing a healing session, or even just providing them with guidance, I always ask our Mother Earth to work with me. I tap into the energy of the person before me, and allow my connection to nature to come through and provide me with insight. There is no one more powerful than a Witch who uses her own self and the Earth to dance in the web of Magic.

Because I wanted to go deeper and gain a broader knowledge base, I researched and educated myself on herbalism—I have three certifications in herbalism, as well as a master of science in herbal medicine. And as I studied, I learned that my intuition has always been right—for while I learned and grew so much as a healer during my studies, nothing could ever teach me as well as listening directly to my plant relatives.

The same will be true for you. You don’t need a degree or any other piece of paper to become a Plant Witch. You can use your intuition, and learn by doing.