Cherry Blossom Prunus serrulata - A Compendium of Plants

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

Cherry Blossom Prunus serrulata
A Compendium of Plants



opening the door between realms, new beginnings, banishing

The flowering Japanese cherry tree is one of the most peaceful, reverent plants I have ever known. Cherry blossoms herald the coming of spring, flowering in great bursts of color and abundance, and as their petals fall, they cover the newly thawed ground like snow.


Enjoyed as a tea, cherry blossoms are high in antioxidants and essential fatty acids. They are good for the skin, and have antiaging properties. They are also an anti-inflammatory, and can reduce swelling or pain.


I collect fallen cherry blossoms and save them in a jar for any Magical workings. I set aside the stems for anytime I want to restart or reset myself, and keep the petals for when I want to banish something, like an old habit.


Cherry blossoms symbolize new beginnings and the fleeting nature of life. They visit us for such a short period of time, falling just two weeks after their beauty peaks. Spending this brief time with the tree will allow you to hear her guidance. I love to sit with her as I journal, meditate, or talk with her, so that I can receive as much of her wisdom as I can. Every time she blooms she brings a new insight—it’s like visiting a tarot reader or a medium. She teaches that we always begin again, and evolve with every new start. Life is short, and we should never take the time we have for granted. If you have trouble slowing down or appreciating the sacred power of your time on this Earth, she will show you the way.

Dreaming of cherry blossoms brings peace to your heart. If you are mourning the death of someone you loved, or the death of a previous version of yourself, ask for her healing presence before you go to sleep.