Catnip Nepeta cataria - A Compendium of Plants

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

Catnip Nepeta cataria
A Compendium of Plants


love, luck, happiness

When we think of catnip, we all think of kittens going crazy or something like that—and it’s true, around two-thirds of cats are intensely attracted to catnip, and spend their time rolling around, licking at the catnip, jumping, running around, and purring before falling asleep. Of course, one-third of cats can’t be bothered at all, which is very catlike of them.


Catnip is a member of the mint family, and is edible. She can soothe cramps, give you more appetite, reduce a fever, and provide a general sense of relaxation. If you’re experiencing morning sickness, try adding some catnip to your ginger tea. To keep her properties, catnip is best simmered rather than boiled. A tea of catnip can help you fall asleep peacefully.


Catnip is also called “the women’s love herb,” as she highlights our good qualities, making us more confident and attractive. Hold catnip in your hand and allow her to warm in your palm, and then shake the hand of someone you want a relationship with—whether a friendship or a romantic relationship. If you store this sprig of catnip carefully, the relationship will be strong and lasting. Growing catnip near your entryway or hanging her above your door will bring good luck and happiness to your home. To awaken self-love, use a red or pink candle, carve your name on it, anoint the candle with rose oil, and sprinkle catnip on it. Light the candle while asking your heart to be present for you.


Catnip, as you may have guessed, brings a message of happiness and bliss. I see her as a laid-back, chill being, someone you could listen to some oldies with while sipping a glass of wine. She not only teaches us not to sweat the small stuff, she also can help us stay calm and collected even in the face of bigger challenges. I grow her in my garden and have her in my cat’s in-home garden, so I’m very familiar with her stress-free energies.

If you have a turbulent relationship at home or have children who are extremely hyperactive, placing her in the windows of the rooms where they sleep will bring in calming energies. Meditating with catnip will invite a sense of peace and calm into your heart and mind. When she shows up in a dream, it symbolizes distress, either within you or within your home.