Carnation Dianthus caryophyllus - A Compendium of Plants

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

Carnation Dianthus caryophyllus
A Compendium of Plants



healing, amplification

Carnations, while popular in floral arrangements, unfortunately are often overlooked for their powerful Magical properties and wisdom. And this is a shame, because carnations carry a deep history, dating back more than two thousand years when they were called dianthus or “divine flower” by the ancient Greeks. Carnation’s symmetrical, wavy petals can hold a wide variety of colors, and each color carries its own individual symbolism.


Carnations can reduce a fever and calm an upset stomach, and can also treat nervous and coronary disorders, as well as anxiety and stress. A cup of carnation tea is known to improve heart health and relax the muscles. Carnations have also been added to vinegars, beers, and wines for flavor as well as healing.


Generally speaking, carnation can help amplify your spells and give them longevity. You can add her petals to any Magical working to make it stronger and longer-lasting. I like to place her petals on vision boards and incorporate them into manifestation spells to keep my intentions going. Placing carnations in your home brings a joyous, healing energy, making the air feel lighter and brighter. But more specifically the shades of carnation have a different spiritual and Magical meaning and purpose, allowing you to work with them in precise ways to give your spellwork more definitive intentions:

White: spirit communication, new beginnings

Light red: heart-healing, compassion, self-love

Dark red: passion, love, protection

Purple: banishing, releasing, intuition

Pink: purification, cleansing


Carnations are wise and observant beings, and they take their relationship with you very seriously. Like all plants, they don’t want to be “used”—they want to form a partnership, a true friendship. With carnation, once you’ve begun to work with her, you will grow a forever relationship, a heartfelt connection like you have with your best friend. This kind of lasting devotion is what makes carnation so great for amplification and healing work. Begin to cultivate your relationship by growing carnation, ideally in all her shades, as she loves to present in all aspects of herself—as we all should!

Dreaming of carnations symbolizes death, either of a person, career, or project—something you treasure and will have trouble letting go of. This may seem surprising given what a supportive plant friend she is, but after all this is what she does best—she comes in to heal the heart, and her warning comes with compassion and love.