Calathea - A Compendium of Plants

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

A Compendium of Plants


strength, balance, clarity

Calathea is a wonderful houseplant, and certain varieties, like Calathea roseoptica, have red stems and dark-green and light-green patterned leaves. Her leaves close up at night and open in the morning, making a gentle rustling sound. For this reason, calathea is known as a “living plant,” though of course all plants would fall under that category. Her strong leaves can be used to wrap fish or to carry other small items.


This plant has no known medicinal properties.


Working with this plant is vital in learning how to balance yourself and your Magical practice. For those who admire and respect both light and shadow, this plant is for you. Placing her in your sacred space or on your altar will bring the duality of light and shadow into a perfect, harmonious balance, where neither outweighs the other. Calathea will keep you in the in-between, where I like to say I belong and live.


If you are seeking clarity, keep calathea near you. Listen to her pull as she sways you to feel and see the truth. Calathea loves to fall into the dreamworld with you. During the day she stands tall, proud, and mighty, but when the Sun falls and goes to sleep, she sleeps with it. Her leaves droop and her energy drops. If you are close to her, if you are caring for her and keeping her in your home, she will join you in your dreams, particularly when you carry a weary heart, or when you are worried about a direction you need to take. She will bring you the clarity you need. She teaches us that although we must wake, stand strong, and do our daily tasks, there is also power in knowing when to rest and reset.