Black Cohosh Actaea racemosa - A Compendium of Plants

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

Black Cohosh Actaea racemosa
A Compendium of Plants


protection, strength, manifesting

Black cohosh goes by many names, including bugbane, snakeroot, and fairy candle. Her flowers have no petals, but instead form tight clusters around a tall, thin stem.


Traditionally, Native American tribes worked with black cohosh to treat snakebite and to relieve birth pangs, though this isn’t recommended today, as an excess of black cohosh can cause nausea, dizziness, and a lowered heart rate. That said, black cohosh does contain phytochemicals that behave similarly to estrogen, making her a potentially effective treatment for menopause.


Black cohosh can be used for protection, as she can undo any negative spells or energy that has been sent your way—and she will also give you the strength to withstand any kind of psychic attack. The root of black cohosh carries the most potent wisdom and Magic, but it will be shared with you only if you grow the plant yourself from seed. As she grows, set your intentions that she will guide you through your Magical practice. Only then can you take the roots when you need them. One root is more than enough for one spell, so place the plant back in the earth, making sure to not kill her.


A field of black cohosh in your dreams is like having a birthday candle right in front of you, ready for you to blow and make a wish. When you dream of black cohosh, make sure to speak to her about the things you desire and wish to manifest. If you grow this Magical darling, sitting with her and simply chatting about your life, what you feel, and what you wish to manifest will amplify your words into the universe.

Black Cohosh Manifestation Bath Ritual

This bathing ritual will help awaken black cohosh so that she can surround you with her powers of manifestation.


2 tablespoons dried black cohosh powder

1 tablespoon dried angelica root

1 tablespoon dried rosemary

1 sliced fresh orange

1 handful of fresh baby’s breath

1 handful of fresh red rose petals

1 red candle


· Fill your bath and bring it to your desired temperature.

· Add the herbs and plants to your bath and turn the lights out.

· Light your red candle, and as you do so, set your intentions for manifestation.

· Soak for at least 15 minutes.