Bay Laurel Laurus nobilis - A Compendium of Plants

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

Bay Laurel Laurus nobilis
A Compendium of Plants


abundance, manifesting, creativity, wisdom

Not to be confused with other bays or laurels, many of which are poisonous, the bay laurel is the source of the fragrant bay leaves you can buy at the supermarket. This evergreen tree’s Latin name translates to “noble green,” and garlands or wreaths of bay laurel were and still are often given to winning athletes.


Bay laurel has antibacterial and antifungal properties, and can be made into a salve or a poultice to help heal bruises or sore muscles. Bay laurel tea is good for general health, particularly for digestion, and adding bay laurel to your bath can treat urinary tract infections.


Bay laurel was believed to be such a powerful healer that doctors would wear garlands of bay laurel every day, and it’s said that Emperor Tiberius of ancient Rome wore a bay laurel wreath for protection during a thunderstorm. Bay laurel placed beneath a pillow can invite prophetic dreams, and dried bay laurel should be burned to dispel any lingering sickness or negative energy. Bay laurel is a powerhouse at bringing in success, especially in business. Keep her at your office or in your workspace to attract these energies. I find her so helpful at enhancing creativity, bringing focus, and lifting inner wisdom.


Bay laurel asks that you give her the respect of working with her directly—she will be so much more effective at helping you manifest if you personally grow and care for her. If you don’t have that personal relationship, she’ll still help, but picture her doing it while rolling her eyes. She prefers to have a direct connection—and honestly, having a personal relationship with all of your plants amplifies their Magical and medicinal uses.

If for some reason you cannot grow bay laurel, even the kind act of holding her leaves and thanking her for working with you will make her spirit happy. I love to meditate with bay laurel, as I sit and allow her to travel within me, filling me with healing love and creative inspiration. Dreaming of bay laurel in food symbolizes good health. If you dream of her growing in the wild, be ready for success and possibly a pay raise. If you see her floating in a pot of boiling water, she is letting you know your spirit is in need of healing.