Basil Ocimum basilicum - A Compendium of Plants

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

Basil Ocimum basilicum
A Compendium of Plants


protection, abundance, self-love, love

This sweet, highly flavorful herb is used in cuisines all over the world. The word basil is derived from basileus (“king” in ancient Greek). Fittingly, it is thought that basil was once an ingredient in perfumes intended for royalty. There are also stories that say basil was used as an antidote for basilisk poison.


Basil promotes blood circulation, and has also been taken to aid in lactation. Basil essential oil can help clear up acne, and can give you an energy boost as well. And, to lend credence to the basilisk theory, basil can treat snake bites. She’s also helpful in lowering blood pressure and, best of all, she repels insects!


Gifting a basil plant to a newly married couple is a wonderful idea, as basil encourages happy, easy love—a love that is free from squabbles. It makes a good housewarming present, or to congratulate someone who just got a new job, as basil also invites wealth and prosperity. Basil is sometimes referred to as “the Witch’s herb,” perhaps because ancient Greeks are said to have used basil to detect Witches. They would burn the herb while speaking the name of the suspected Witch, and if basil “spoke” (i.e., crackled with the flame), then the Witch was confirmed.

Basil is a lovely plant to work with for self-love. Add some basil to your bath to clear negativity and calm your spirit. Basil can also be worked with in powerful candle Magic to bring in wealth and money. Simply dress a green candle with basil and set your intentions. Keeping basil in the corners of the home is a powerful way to keep evil out. If you can’t place her in corners due to low light, sprinkle dried basil in the corners of your home instead. Anywhere you place your basil, she will exude a beautiful, loving energy.


Basil’s scent is what most often shows up in a dream. If you smell basil, abundance is on its way. If you happen to see basil herself, expect a love to come forth, or a love you already have to amplify and ignite with new passion.