Banana Musa - A Compendium of Plants

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

Banana Musa
A Compendium of Plants


creativity, abundance

The banana tree is technically a very large herb. There are so many varieties, from the starchy plantain to the sweet apple banana. Bananas actually emit very low levels of radioactivity due to their high concentration of potassium—but they aren’t harmful. In fact, they’re extremely beneficial! You can eat all parts of the banana, not just the fruit. The leaves and even the peels can be delicious, if prepared properly. Banana leaves are also useful as a kind of ready-made take-out container, or as a wrap for steaming or grilling fish or other foods.


Banana’s high levels of potassium can help reduce muscle cramps, moderate blood sugar levels, and even offset depression.


The best way to work with banana is to cook with her and eat her, Kitchen Witch-style. Add bananas to your food, and set your intentions as you cook. You can also write your desires on a banana peel and then cut it into small pieces to use in your Magical workings—she will add so much abundant energy. You may wish to work with banana for creativity spells as well, and again simply setting those intentions while cooking or eating banana can invoke her Magic.


Bananas play a role in the spiritual practices of many cultures around the world. Bananas carry a message of living your best life, of going after what you want and what brings you joy. If you are someone who isn’t happy in your life, work, or relationships, working with banana can help you realize that there is more for you, that you deserve bigger and better things. We often daydream about a better life—banana urges us to take hold of that desire and go after it.

Banana Creativity Potion

What is it that you want to create in your life? Banana’s potent energies will help you manifest your desires and give you the energy you need to do the work to make your dreams come true.


1 yellow banana

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1 teaspoon dried damiana

1 teaspoon red clover, fresh or dried

1 sprig of fresh rosemary

3 cups water

Red string or ribbon


· Peel the banana and set the fruit aside. Take a moment to write your intentions for fertility on the outside of the peel.

· Mash the banana with the remaining ingredients (except the string), then spread the mixture on the inside of the peel.

· Roll up the filled peel, tying the string or ribbon around it to hold it together.

· Place your banana in a bowl and leave it by a window so that it can receive 3 days of sunshine and 3 nights of darkness.

· On the fourth day, take it outside and bury it in the earth.

Dreams of banana can indicate health issues around fertility, for either men or women. Work with her to find the underlying causes.