What Is Magic? - What is Plant Witchery?

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

What Is Magic?
What is Plant Witchery?

It is the eternal question. Is Magic real? What is Magic?

The simplest answer is, “Yes. And Magic is you.”

We are Magical beings; we are this first, before we are flesh. Magic is the language that speaks our truth. It’s our heart in spirit. It is what animates us, what feeds our emotions, our love, our passion, and our gifts.

And so, the truth is that Magic is very personal, and so it is different for everyone. For me, Magic is unconditional love. It is love that reverberates from my soul, echoing with my family, my ancestors, the Earth beneath my feet, the wind in my hair, and the blades of grass brushing my fingers.

Ask yourself, what is Magic for you? There are no wrong answers, for Magic is your truth. Never doubt that you are Magic. Magic is not something that belongs only to a select few, nor is it something that shows up only when you have all the “Witchy tools.” Magic is available to all of us, for Magic lives within us all.

Magic lives within you. It is you.

You need nothing outside yourself to access your Magic—all you need is within you, if you ignite your power. How do we ignite our power? We embody our truth. We start by healing our minds, bodies, and heart. If we connect to all that is, we open our world to unlimited possibilities. I’ve inspired thousands of Witches all over the world to wake the Witch within, and not once did I say that it was a special gift that only I have, that no one else can access.

Magic is waking up to the real powers you already hold—to become who you truly are.

In my first book, Witchery: Embrace the Witch Within, I go into detail about how to awaken Magic in your life. I explain that if you know who you are, if you accept and acknowledge every wonderful and not so wonderful shade of what makes you, loving every part of yourself as best you can, then your Magic can work at its fullest potential. You can do the most extravagant spells, potions, mantras, setting of intentions—but none of these will work to their full potential if the energy within you is not at a positive state, if you aren’t connected to your truth.