Angelica - A Compendium of Plants

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

A Compendium of Plants



protection, healing, energy clearing

Angelica has a bitter and earthy flavor, and is often used to flavor alcohol, especially gin and the liqueur Chartreuse. Angelica is so-named because she was used to protect against the plague, and is associated with the archangel Michael. The story is that she came into bloom around Michael’s feast day, and that he appeared in a vision to explain how she protects against evil. Her flowers spread wide, like a starburst.


Angelica has so many healing properties, but some caution should be used. Pregnant women should avoid her, as she can cause some pelvic tightening which may lead to miscarriage. She also contains Furocoumarins, which can make the skin sensitive to ultraviolet light. But if you’re wise and careful, angelica can help treat a cold or other respiratory ailments, speed the healing of wounds, and ease a headache or heartburn.


Angelica protects everyone, but especially women. You can grind up her roots into a tonic, or carry her dried root as a protective amulet. Her leaves, if dried and burned, will help dispel negative energies, and if you bathe in water sprinkled with angelica it will remove any harm anyone has wished upon you. I personally have loved working with angels since the day I first saw them, so to me this plant is indeed divinely connected to the angelic realm and the fairy realm. Holding dried angelica in your hands while praying amplifies your intentions, getting your message across loud and clear.


It is said that when you dream of angelica, you are dreaming of angels. She is protective in dreams; if you are having a nightmare, imagine her and she will come and whisk you away, bringing you to a beautiful dream instead.

Angelica is great at getting rid of negative thoughts, so I place her next to all mirrors—and next to my bed—whenever I feel especially uncomfortable with my naked body. She exudes peace and love, and should be placed anywhere the family gathers so that she can dispel any negativity and help to avoid arguments.