Alfalfa Medicado sativa - A Compendium of Plants

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

Alfalfa Medicado sativa
A Compendium of Plants


healing, abundance, manifesting, luck

Also known as lucerne, alfalfa is commonly used for grazing and animal feed. She is technically a legume, with a homey, aromatic scent. Alfalfa plays a critical role in ecology—she is a birthing place to several varieties of insects, and is often grown near more delicate plants, like cotton, that can’t handle these insects.


Alfalfa can combat high cholesterol, as she prevents the gut from absorbing cholesterol. She is also helpful with kidney conditions, asthma, rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, as well as diabetes. She is often taken as a supplement because she contains high levels of vitamins A, C, E, and K, as well as potassium, calcium, phosphorous, and iron—she’s basically a multivitamin.


Being able to cultivate enough food is a sign of wealth. If you consider the lives of our ancestors, imagine what alfalfa meant to them—she signified the ability to raise cattle, enough to feed their families and communities. With this association in mind, alfalfa is often incorporated into prosperity spells, to invite and protect wealth. Keeping a jar of dried alfalfa in your kitchen will ensure your family always has enough to eat, and keeping alfalfa in your pocket can bring you good luck.

Alfalfa is also a powerhouse in manifesting your desires and dreams. When creating a vision board, attach some dried alfalfa onto the board. Or if you are someone who likes to create lists, attach her to your list. Alfalfa will amplify your intentions of manifesting. On a Full Moon, burn some of the dried leaves and take the ashes to a river. Let the ashes flow into the river, and as you let them go, ask that they take all your worries away, releasing you from whatever it is you want to release. You can also spread the ashes on the Earth to call in whatever you need—like abundance, for example.


Alfalfa is a great companion in meditation and in the dreamworld. If you are not able to control your dreams, opt to meditate with this plant. Sit and envision what you want to manifest, whether it is good health, luck with a test or a trial or life in general. Doing vision work with this plant calls in the energies to manifest whatever it is you are wanting, turning your dreams into reality.

Alfalfa is happiest resting near a window in your home. The breeze of an open window will carry her energies up high, so they can return with protection, love, and peace.