Witchgrass Panicum capillare - A Compendium of Plants

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

Witchgrass Panicum capillare
A Compendium of Plants


banishing, protection, manifesting

Witchgrass is well-suited to her name—she is easy to overlook if you’re not seeking her out. She grows all over the United States, and can reach as high as three feet. Her blades are green to purplish in color, and her seeds arc out like a loose broom.


Witchgrass seeds are edible, and can be cooked whole or ground and used as a flower, much like millet. You can make an infusion of the leaves to use as an emetic. The roots are quite tasty—mild and slightly sweet. They contain mucilage, and so can be soothing to sore throats.


To banish negative forces in your life, speak to witchgrass about what it is you wish to banish, and then send her into flame to turn that negative force into ash. For protection, you can simply place her over your door or windows to keep out intruders or ill-willed people or spirits. You can also speak your intentions or prayers for protection by braiding witchgrass—I like to keep the braid over my fireplace or stove, as the fire element keeps the protection ignited. You can also work a braid to bind yourself or someone else, preventing harm from being done. It is very important that you do not use witchgrass to bind for any negative reason—the witchgrass will turn those intentions around toward you instead.


Manifesting with witchgrass is so much fun. She takes you into a trance state where you can spiritually experience what it is you wish to bring into your life. Gather enough witchgrass for two braids, and then braid them both while speaking your intentions over and over. When you’ve finished, place one braid over your altar or in your sacred space. Take the other braid and bury it in the ground, asking Mother Earth to create roots for your intentions. If you dream of witchgrass, that means that someone is gossiping about you or spreading ill will. When you wake up, take some time to bind that gossip by braiding her.