String of Pearls Senecio rowleyanus - A Compendium of Plants

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

String of Pearls Senecio rowleyanus
A Compendium of Plants




String of pearls is a leafy succulent vine native to dry parts of southwest Africa. This creeping vine produces tiny little beads along a dangling stem—looking exactly like a string of pearls. Like most succulents, she requires very little care, though she does love attention, and grows well in a mixed succulent box or basket. She blooms in the summer, producing daisy-like flowers that are tiny and cute, with a sweet, spicy, cinnamon-like scent. String of pearls is toxic when ingested, causing minor illness like vomiting or diarrhea.


This plant has no known medicinal properties.


You can use one of her pearls in any manifestation spellwork, or you can take a full string and make a wish on each pearl. Once you’ve made your wish, repot each pearl separately, making sure you propagate her properly, and as she grows she will feed your wish.


String of pearls is lovely and sweet, with a can-do attitude. She combines positivity with grounding vibrations, and sets an example of confidence—she knows she can reach and expand because she has a solid foundation. She roots deep and strong to hold her in place as she explores. I meditate and chat with string of pearls about opportunities that come my way, and she helps me reflect on whether they are right for me and my growth. She teaches us to trust in divine timing, knowing that the world will pave the way when the time is right. Meanwhile, she suggests that we build good foundations, setting ourselves up so that we are spiritually prepared for whatever the road ahead has in store for us. The universe would never allow you to walk a path you aren’t ready for—not because you don’t deserve greatness, but because the love the universe has to offer is so big you need to be prepared to take it on! String of pearls will help you get ready.

String of pearls appears in your dreams to draw your attention to your goals that you have been ignoring—she reminds you to take action! Remember, things don’t just happen for you. You need to put in the work.