Stinging Nettle Urtica dioica - A Compendium of Plants

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

Stinging Nettle Urtica dioica
A Compendium of Plants


protection, secrets, happiness

Stinging nettle doesn’t mess around—her leaves really hurt. Her stinging hairs are made of silica, which break off into the skin and then exude chemicals, causing a histamine reaction. For this reason, she is known as “devil’s claw” or “devil’s plaything”—but despite her fearsome sting, she is an extremely useful and beneficial plant. She’s an excellent food source, and her stem fibers can be spun like flax, creating a fabric that is as strong as hemp and yet as soft as cotton. You could even dye this fabric with nettle herself, as she produces a lovely green hue.


By the 5th century B.C., Hippocrates had recorded no less than 61 medicinal uses for stinging nettle. You can drink her as a tea to relieve hay fever, clean out a urinary tract infection, boost lactation, and to serve as a general energy tonic if you’ve been ill or have a chronic condition. Her leaves are delicious and high in protein and vitamins, but always cook them first—you definitely wouldn’t want those hairs in your mouth or throat.


Stinging nettle carries such strong positive energies that simply having her in your garden amplifies the properties of all the other plants you grow, and placing her in sachets or charms along with other protection plants will amplify those energies tenfold. Sprinkle her in a glass of water, placing one in each room of the house to spread her positivity throughout your home. Drawing a bath with nettle will clear negativity and lift positive energies up into your auric body, leaving you feeling nurtured and loved.

Stinging nettle also brings secrets to light. If you feel someone is keeping something from you, burn stinging nettle while speaking their name, and in just a few days the secret will be revealed.


Stinging nettle works hard to protect herself, and she will do the same for you—but only if you care for her. You can also invite her into your dreams to help you sleep deeply, feeling both calm and nurtured.