Star Anise Illicium verum - A Compendium of Plants

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

Star Anise Illicium verum
A Compendium of Plants


psychic ability, balance

There are several varieties of anise—one is an herb with tiny yellow flowers, and the other is what we are discussing here, the star anise, a completely different plant, an evergreen tree. Both have a licorice-like scent and flavor, and both are common ingredients in cuisines all over the world.


This plant has no known medicinal properties.


Star anise naturally grows into an eight-pointed star. This balanced, equal shape speaks to how anise can help balance the forces within you, bringing you into a clear understanding of what is truly right for you. Finding this balance gives you a sense of calm, so that you are able to see beyond what has been blocking you. Star anise loves to wake the spirit in you, and can amplify your work with psychic intuition and inner knowing. Place her on the altar when you want to do spiritual growth work, and add her to your Magical workings if you wish to bring in wealth and luck. Placing star anise at the corners of your home will protect you, creating a safe space for fairies and angels to enter. Star anise’s border blocks only ill will, inviting all positive energies to enter.


Dreaming and meditating with star anise is so powerful. When I work with her, she amplifies my gifts more than I could ever imagine, sending me into states of geometric sacredness. But be wary—she isn’t gentle, not even with beginners, so be prepared for some eye-opening truths.