Slippery Elm Ulmus rubra - A Compendium of Plants

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

Slippery Elm Ulmus rubra
A Compendium of Plants


protection, love

The twigs and leaves of the slippery elm are slightly furry, and the inner bark is slimy—hence her name. She is also called red elm because when her leaves first emerge, they have a distinct reddish tint.

Slippery Elm Truth Spell

Slippery Elm’s specialty is revealing the truth, especially when it comes to those who have ill intentions for you.


Black candle

1 handful slippery elm

Small bowl


· Light your black candle and dress it with your saliva by rubbing a thin layer of spit all over the outside of the candle.

· Place slippery elm in a small bowl next to the candle, and ask her to expose any ill will or negative people in your life. Blow out the candle after thanking her for her help. Within the next 2 to 3 weeks, you will catch each of these people in action, 1 by 1.


The inner edible bark of slippery elm is a demulcent, which means it can form a soothing film over mucous membranes. This doesn’t last very long, only about a half an hour, but during that time it will relieve pain, particularly a sore throat or a canker sore. Slippery elm can also relieve the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.


Work with slippery elm to open up your throat chakra and find your voice. If you’re a creative person but can’t seem to find your voice in the work you’re doing, connect with her.


Slippery elm can see the truth of all that is, but she is a romantic at heart. She tells tales of love, especially stories of soul mates or love that is eternal. If you sit with her, she can tell if you and your lover are in fact soul mates, meant for each other—if all of a sudden her leaves start to sway and rustle, she is giving you her blessing. Ask her into your dreams to find the truth within yourself, the truth of who you really are, with the purest wisdom that you possess.