Sea Buckthorn Hippophae - A Compendium of Plants

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

Sea Buckthorn Hippophae
A Compendium of Plants


hex-breaking, protection, luck, energy clearing

Sea buckthorn, not to be mistaken for buckthorn (Rhamnus), produces orange-yellow berries, which have been used over centuries as food, medicine, and skin care. This amazingly resistant plant is able to withstand temperatures as low as −43°C (−45°F). Sometimes referred to as the holy fruit of the Himalayas, sea buckthorn can be applied directly to the skin or ingested.

Sea Buckthorn Luck Spray

You can use this luck spray whenever you’re doing spells for luck—spray it on your altar, or outside the building when you’re going in for an interview, when you’re about to take an exam, or even outside a restaurant when you’re about to go on a date.


1 cup water

2 teaspoons sea buckthorn

1 teaspoon sea salt

Orange peel

1 to 2 drops lemongrass essential oil

Spray bottle


· Bring the water to a boil, and then add all the ingredients except the essential oil.

· Simmer for 10 to 15 minutes.

· Strain and let it cool, then stir in your essential oil.

· Add the mixture to your spray bottle. When ready to use, simply spray the air and say, “May luck find me here.”


Sea buckthorn is a popular plant in Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicines, and can treat arthritis, ulcers, and gout. There is some evidence that she is also effective in countering memory and concentration loss due to aging. She promotes heart health, protects against diabetes and stomach ulcers, protects your skin, supports a healthy liver, and offers so many more benefits.


There is a legend that says making a circle of sea buckthorn branches and dancing within it under a Full Moon will call an elf to appear, one who may grant a wish. Placing sea buckthorn branches in your doors and windows can offer protection from Magical attack and can bring good luck to those who live in this home. Sea buckthorn is also great to work in spells for legal matters, as she will bring luck in your favor. Simply place the leaves in your wallet or use the bark in your workings.


Oddly enough, when this plant speaks, she isn’t as tough as she may seem. She’s gentle, understanding, and has a wisdom about her that is so enchanting. She teaches you how to defend and protect yourself and to learn self-care, because in your journey the person who is present the entire time is you. Sea buckthorn reassures you of your worth and capability. Dreaming of eating her berries symbolizes spiritual growth, while dreaming of cutting her down indicates that a dark Magic has been placed against you.