Saffron Crocus - Crocus sativus - A Compendium of Plants

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

Saffron Crocus - Crocus sativus
A Compendium of Plants


Moon Magic, abundance, blood Magic, love

Saffron, widely considered the most valuable spice in the world, is the crumbled threads of the stigmas of the saffron crocus. One crocus blossom produces .0011 ounces of fresh saffron and tastes kind of like metallic honeyed hay. This spice, along with being highly fragrant and flavorful, is also highly pigmented, and produces a lovely orange color. It would make for a very expensive dye plant, but it does provide color along with flavor to dishes. These crocuses grow mainly in the Mediterranean, for they prefer well-drained, claylike soil and full sunlight.


Saffron is a powerful antioxidant, and has been shown to improve mood, anxiety, and premenstrual symptoms. It may also serve as an aphrodisiac.


Saffron is a powerful love-drawing herb, and is helpful in spells for wealth and abundance, too. I love to sprinkle saffron in my abundance spells, as she will draw in positive energies, aiding in the success of my creative projects. Cook with saffron while setting intentions of love—your food will ignite those feelings in whomever you serve it to, providing of course that your spell is for the highest good of everyone involved. But I work most often with saffron in blood Magic. I often harness the power of my sacred menstrual blood in my healing work, my spiritual development, and when I’m communing with my ancestors. Saffron’s ability to connect to the Moon’s energy makes her a perfect partner in any Moon Magic you do, and of course our feminine cycles are profoundly tied to the Moon.


Saffron is a jack-of-all-trades in the plant kingdom—she can handle just about anything you ask of her! I grow her outside where she can soak up the Moon’s energies, and then bring her blossoms in when I need her help. Saffron flowers can make your home feel very healing and peaceful, making it a place of refuge.

Dreams of saffron are intense. She shows you the things you have hidden or have refused to face—she wants you to work through them, so that they no longer hold you back. She will be there to help you.

Saffron Blood Magic Purging Ritual

This ritual is perfect for purging, for releasing toxic energy. It helps you let go of what no longer serves you. This will be quite intense, and the effects can take up to a week to be felt fully. You’ll likely experience lots of tears and life changes, so be prepared. This ritual calls for menstrual blood, but if that is not available to you, you can either prick your finger or use saliva instead—it won’t be quite as powerful, but it will work.


Cedar or frankincense incense

Several handfuls of salt

A bowl of water

A bowl with a small amount of salt

3 red candles

½ tablespoon pau d’arco

1 tablespoon tobacco

A handful of rose petals

1 tablespoon saffron

A few drops of menstrual blood (or blood from your finger, or saliva)


· Cleanse your space and lift the energies surrounding you by burning cedar or frankincense incense. Leave it burning while you perform your ritual.

· Create a salt circle large enough for you to sit within it. As you sprinkle the salt, set your intentions for protection.

· Set your bowl of water and bowl of salt in the circle.

· Light your red candles and place them inside the salt circle. Arrange them in a triangle, with one directly in front of you, one behind you to your right, and one behind you to your left.

· Sit quietly for a moment and relax your mind and body. Envision the things you wish to release. If you’re uncertain, ask the plant spirits present (pau d’arco, tobacco, rose, and saffron) to help you navigate.

· Add the pau d’arco, tobacco, and rose petals to the bowl of water. Thank each of them for being present with you.

· Add the saffron, and ask her for her guidance. Thank her for her help.

· Hold the container of blood in your hands. Pour your love into it. Ask that it help you purge and release. Pour your blood into the water, followed by a pinch of salt from the bowl of salt.

· Lift the water bowl to your heart center. Take a deep breath and feel the healing, love, and fire entering your body. Raise the bowl to the sky and say, “I call on my guides, ancestors, and angels to come through and help me surrender to my own healing.” You can adjust this phrase to whatever feels right to you.

· Lower your bowl to the ground and sit in silence, meditating. Feel, sense, taste, and listen to the spirits twirling within and all around you.

· When you’ve finished, blow out your candles and pour your bowl of water into the earth. Once you’ve cleaned up, sip some soothing tea such as chamomile or yerba buena to calm your mind.