Rose of Jericho Selaginella lepidophylla - A Compendium of Plants

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

Rose of Jericho Selaginella lepidophylla
A Compendium of Plants



new beginnings, abundance, happiness

This incredible desert plant can survive in a dormant state without water or roots for up to two years, and then come entirely back to life—for this reason, she’s also known as the “resurrection plant” or “resurrection fern.” There is another plant entirely with the same common name and similar resilient properties classified as Anastatica hierochuntica, but the green spike moss is the one with Magical properties.


Rose of Jericho can treat infertility, particularly in women, and is good for the lungs and digestive system as well. She can soothe the pangs of childbirth; traditionally, after a baby was born, midwives would submerge rose of Jericho in water so that the plant would be reborn at the same moment.


Rose of Jericho is one of the most fascinating plants in the herbal kingdom, as she functions much the same way as the soul does. Just like rose of Jericho, the soul can stay dormant and suppressed for years, but when properly nourished, it can expand into the most brilliant display of love and light. Rose of Jericho calls in whatever is needed for your soul to thrive. She represents rebirth, but also the uplifting happiness that can be felt when you provide your spirit with the right fertilizer to expand to its fullest potential.


Work with rose of Jericho to set your old self free and rise reborn. She will open the doors to a new self, or a new beginning. She teaches us that we can’t expect to know who we will be in the future, because we are always changing—our future self is not set in stone. But rose of Jericho shows us how to celebrate who we are at the present moment. Rise from the ashes, and come forth reborn with rose of Jericho. Only those who have dedicated a longtime practice with her will be blessed with her wisdom in the dreamworld.