Queen Anne’s Lace Daucus carota - A Compendium of Plants

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

Queen Anne’s Lace Daucus carota
A Compendium of Plants


new beginnings, opening the door between realms

Queen Anne’s lace grows wild in fields and on roadsides all over North America. Her distinctive flat, umbrella-shaped flower curls up into a tumbleweed to disperse her seeds. She’s actually a wild carrot, and is edible—you can eat the root when it’s young, and fry up the flowers. However, her leaves are very similar to the poisonous hemlock, so make sure you know which plant you’re working with. She received her name because of her lacy flowers, and for the Queen of England in the 1700s.


Queen Anne’s lace has been a staple in medicine for centuries, mostly to treat digestive disorders, as well as kidney and bladder diseases.


When you are feeling lost and in need of her hopeful Magic, keep Queen Anne’s lace with you or on you, particularly her petals. You can also drink her tea before meditating, as she will bring visions of manifesting what it is you are hoping for, filling you with the energy you need to make that hope a reality.

Queen Anne’s Lace Spirit Bath

Queen Anne’s lace can whisper messages from spirits into your soul. This bath spell will boost your connection with past loved ones, making their messages ring loud and clear.


½ cup milk

3 tablespoons honey

2 tablespoons lavender, fresh or dried

3 drops rosewood essential oil

Frankincense incense

1 cup Himalayan pink salt

3 bay leaves

1 cup Queen Anne’s lace, fresh or dried

White candle


· Heat the milk and honey in a pot on the stove, stirring continuously while keeping your mind quiet.

· Run a bath and add the lavender, rosewood oil, and salt.

· Pour the milk and honey into the bath, and as you do so, set your intentions for the spirit you want to communicate with.

· Add the bay leaves, and then speak the spirit’s name aloud as you add the Queen Anne’s lace to the bath.

· Light your candle and your incense, then relax quietly and listen.


Don’t be fooled by the delicate appearance of Queen Anne’s lace—this beauty is strong, hardworking, and a true spiritual being. She comes with the message of hope and transformation, offering missives from passed loved ones. Transformation energy lives strong within her—butterflies are attracted to Queen Anne’s lace, and she is intertwined with a butterfly’s energy of rebirth and transformation. Work with her to help you transition, transform, and/or change any part of yourself or your life. I recommend interacting with her out in nature where the Magic happens naturally, but you can also bring her fresh or dried flowers inside where you do your Magical workings. If you feel you are not the person you are supposed to be, whether physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually, she will guide you through a journey of transformation and fill you with hope and peace of mind that you are not alone in this—she is watching over you. Invite her into your dreams if the transformation you wish to go through is one that is extremely hard, or perhaps a little scary.