Adder’s Tongue Ophioglossum vulgatum - A Compendium of Plants

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

Adder’s Tongue Ophioglossum vulgatum
A Compendium of Plants



healing, love, creativity, shadow work

This unusual-looking fern is so named for its spore-producing stalk, which sticks out of the earth like a snake’s tongue. She hides underground for much of the year, dining with the fungi, but sometime in June through August she pokes up in grasslands, meadows, hillsides, and sand dunes.


The roots and leaves of the adder’s-tongue can heal wounds, and also serve as an antiseptic. Like most ferns, adder’s-tongue is edible, though you’ll want to cook her first to denature the plant’s thiaminase content, which can leach vitamin B12 from your body. Eating adder’s-tongue will help heal bruises.


Adder’s-tongue is known for healing, love, spiritual growth, and creative enhancement. If I needed to choose just one plant to do shadow work with, she would be it. She naturally dwells in the darkness, and knows her way around the shadows lurking within. She teaches that even that darkness has lessons to give, and gently brings this wisdom into your heart center. Adder’s-tongue says, Do not fear what you cannot see, for my spirit recognizes your spirit. Because we are together, you are never alone.

You can also work closely with this plant for creativity, especially in writing! I kept her next to me every time I sat to write this book. I love to keep some by my computer, by my writing chair, and in my planner. Place some dried adder’s-tongue by your workspace, wherever you do your creative work.


Adder’s-tongue won’t intrude upon your dreams unless you ask her to. If you are looking to heal old trauma, do shadow work, or work on strength or creativity, meditate with her before bed and ask her to visit your dreams. Make sure to tell her the reasons why, and try to work on only one issue at a time. When you go to sleep, make sure your room is extremely dark, no lights at all—so make sure to cover any tech lights as well. The darker it is, the better she will see.

Adder’s-tongue is best left to grow in the wild, though she can do well in a garden. When she’s dried, you can place her in your home just about anywhere you like, particularly in spaces where you like to sit and contemplate.