Pipsissewa Chimaphila umbellate - A Compendium of Plants

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

Pipsissewa Chimaphila umbellate
A Compendium of Plants


manifesting, banishing

Pipsissewa (what a charming name is that!) is a small plant with pink or white flowers that bloom in a bell shape. She can be found throughout the Northern Hemisphere, primarily in arid woodlands. She gets her name from the Cree, a native tribe of Canada, who called her pipsisikweu, which means “it breaks into small pieces.” She is also known as prince’s pine or umbellate wintergreen, among other names. She is sometimes used to flavor root beer.


Native Americans traditionally treated a variety of ailments with pipsissewa, including kidney stones, blisters, and backaches. She’s a diuretic, and helped early European settlers treat both kidney issues and rheumatism. You can chew her leaves, or brew her leaves, stems, and roots for tea. In Mexico, she is an ingredient in navaitai, an alcoholic drink produced from sprouted maize.

Pipsissewa Repelling Potion

Use this potion to keep away the people, situations, or beliefs you no longer need.


Leaves, stems, and petals of pipsissewa

1 sprig of rosemary

1 teaspoon feverfew, fresh or dried

1 teaspoon wormwood, fresh or dried

2 to 3 eucalyptus leaves, fresh or dried

1 teaspoon salt


· Bring a pot of water to a boil. Lower the heat and add all the ingredients except the salt. Cover and simmer for 10 minutes, then remove the pot from the heat.

· Add the salt, and then hold your hands open and close to your mouth. Blow a hot breath into your palms 3 times, and then whisper what it is you wish to repel.

· Envision your brew bursting into flames, burning up what it is you want to be rid of.

· Keep your palms close to your mouth for 11 deep breaths, and then dispose of the potion however you like—down the drain, into the toilet, whatever. Rinse your hands when you’re done.


When I’m working with clients who are creating a new beginning or a new life, I suggest pipsissewa because she can help them see what they need to achieve their desires—and what they need to let go of to make space for something new. If you’re having trouble manifesting or releasing, pipsissewa works like an antenna, tuning in to your inner world while at the same time tracking what’s going on externally. She can zero in on exactly what you need to attract, and what you need to repel.

However, keeping her in your home can create a bit of chaos, as she will tune in to everyone who lives there and shake them up! This is a good thing of course, but it can be a lot all at once. I would suggest keeping her outdoors if you want to grow pipsissewa, and ask her to focus only on you, or whomever it is you want her to help. You can help maintain this by placing a picture of yourself next to her, so she remains focused on you. This will keep the spells and intentions you have set with her going long after they have begun. You can also work with her petals, leaves, and stems for attracting and repelling.


Pipsissewa is a dual spirit that knows what she wants, and knows what she doesn’t need. Her wisdom is simple, and yet so many overlook it: In order to bring in something new, you must let something else go, to make room for what it is you want. She is not one to visit dreams; instead, connect with her in the plant meditation suggested at the beginning of this book.