Parsley Petroselinum crispum - A Compendium of Plants

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

Parsley Petroselinum crispum
A Compendium of Plants


opening the door between realms, protection, strength

Parsley has long been associated with death—in ancient Greece she was used in funeral ceremonies and to decorate tombs. She was never ever eaten, lest she bring death with her, but nowadays parsley’s sharp, bitter flavor makes her a common ingredient in cuisines all over the world.


You can use parsley oil to repel lice, or in an infusion as a hair rinse. Drinking parsley tea can treat urinary tract infections. You can also make a poultice of parsley to treat insect bites or to reduce swelling. Placing parsley on a plate as garnish dates back to ancient Rome, where it was used to keep food from being contaminated, and to sweeten the breath when the meal had ended.

Parsley Spirit Communication Chocolate Cake

If there is a certain spirit guide, ancestor, or angel you want to contact, this cake will serve as an offering, inviting them to speak with you.


1 box chocolate cake mix and related ingredients

1 teaspoon dried parsley

1 teaspoon dried mugwort

½ star anise, ground into powder

Orange or vanilla frosting

1 teaspoon dried basil (optional)


· Bake your cake according to the instructions on the box, adding the parsley, mugwort, and star anise when you add the eggs.

· As you mix the cake batter together, set your intentions for communicating with your guides, or with a specific spirit or angel.

· When the cake has cooled, frost it with either orange or vanilla frosting. For vanilla, mix in the basil, if using, before frosting the cake.

· Carve the name of your spirit into the frosting.

· Cut a slice of cake and place it on your altar as an offering, and have a slice yourself. With each bite, ask your angel or guide to come through.


This common kitchen herb is associated with the afterlife and communing with loved ones who have passed on. Parsley can also represent symbolic funerals, such as a breakup or a need to release bad habits. In that way, she represents both endings and new beginnings. Parsley is often used to honor the dead and to send them safely to the next world. Parsley also supports you during difficult times, providing the strength to move on after sudden and unexpected change.


Parsley’s favorite phrase is, All will be all right, dear child. Parsley brings so much healing—she helps us to let go, and to see that nothing is ever truly lost or gone. Invite her into your dreams to bring you closer to your angels and spirit guides.