Mullein Verbascum - A Compendium of Plants

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

Mullein Verbascum
A Compendium of Plants



protection, shadow work

This woolly little plant with sweet yellow flowers has been used for both Magic and medicine for thousands of years. Roman legionnaires would dip mullein stems in wax to use as candles at funerals, a practice that continued through the Middle Ages. According to lore, the sorceress Circe often used mullein in her spells—and Odysseus used mullein to protect himself from Circe! This certainly indicates mullein’s wide variety of uses.


These days, we work with mullein most often to soothe a cough, particularly those dry, tickly coughs that just won’t go away. Mullein leaves soften the membranes of the lungs, opening the chest and allowing you to breathe clearly and easily at last. You can also rub a balm or tincture made from mullein flowers around the base of the ear to draw out any infection. Mullein root makes an excellent tonic for pain, particularly nerve pain from headaches or spinal issues, though it can also soothe arthritis and broken bones.


Mullein stands at the veil between worlds, making her an excellent choice for both protection and assistance in reaching out to spirit. We naturally open our auras during sleep or divination work, but doing so can leave us vulnerable to darker forces. Mullein will surround you in a cloak of invisibility, allowing you to travel the spiritual realms without worry, making her ideal for both astral projection and shadow work.


Working in the shadows is sacred, for there is wisdom and growth to be had in the dark places. A Plant Witch knows this: Spirit may bloom in light, but seeds and roots thrive in the darkness. We are both, and we can’t fully be without one or the other. I used to struggle with this concept of light and love, as I found I couldn’t really be my true self—I simply was not a being made up only of love and light. As I came to fully accept myself, I understood that light cannot exist without the darkness—both are sacred, and both are necessary for Magic, healing, and expansion. Working with mullein will help you navigate the realms of light and dark and all the shades of gray in between. This is so important if you are seeking truth, identity, and power in your practice.

If you dream of mullein, you should take pride in being a powerful Witch! Mullein visits those she feels are gifted in the ability to journey, travel in spirit, and navigate the unseen. Allow mullein to take you to places you’ve never been before, and you’ll come back with wisdom from the depths of the hidden worlds.