Mugwort Artemisia vulgaris - A Compendium of Plants

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

Mugwort Artemisia vulgaris
A Compendium of Plants


protection, psychic ability

Mugwort is probably one of the most valuable—and easily accessible—herbs in a Plant Witch’s garden. She grows very easily (some unknowing people consider her a weed), and is available dried in most natural food or herbalist stores.


Mugwort derives most of her medicinal power from thujone, a chemical that does induce a sense of being “high.” For this reason, some people consider her to be dangerous; but she is used in cuisines all over the world, especially in Asian dishes, as well as in drinks, tinctures, and teas. She can help you find a restful night’s sleep, repel insects (especially moths), and assist with difficult childbirths.


Work with mugwort to develop your psychic gifts, as she is very intuitive when it comes to finding the fog clouding your abilities. She will help you to receive messages through dreams, and deepen a psychic practice.


Mugwort is associated with all things of the night. She is a soft, pillowy herb whose physical characteristics are mirrored in her spiritual qualities. Her energy aligns with the Moon, feminine wellness, the psychic eye, and dream messages. Mugwort helps women move through the various cycles of life with ease and grace, and she can also open pathways to the divine. She wants nothing more than to connect with you—because a connection with her allows a connection with the self, and with the universe. She often stands back as an observer. Like a wise elder watching over her family, she is mostly silent . . . but don’t let that fool you! Her intentions speak for themselves, swiftly mapping out the best route for you to take as you expand and evolve.