Monstera deliciosa - A Compendium of Plants

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

Monstera deliciosa
A Compendium of Plants



creativity, abundance, love

Also known as the Swiss cheese plant, for the holes in her leaves, her name derives from the Latin word for “monster.” This is because she can grow to an enormous size, and not just her individual leaves, which are indeed quite large; this creeping vine is able to cover an entire cliffside. Not many people know that she can flower, as it’s rare for her to flower indoors—but when she does, she produces large fruit, which tastes like a cross between a jackfruit and a pineapple. Like a pineapple she grows scales, so after you pick the fruit, let it sit for a few days, and she will let go of her scales an inch or so a day, eventually revealing the edible fruit. You will know she is ripe by her strong, fruity fragrance—but don’t eat her before then, or her oxalate crystals will irritate your throat.


This plant has no known medicinal properties.


Place monstera by your windows where there’s indirect light and she will grow abundantly, bringing you abundance as well. Like any good friend, she’s also great to work with when you’re trying to have a baby, or for any creativity Magic.


Monstera emits so much love, and she always wants to chat—even to gossip! She’s wonderful to have around, particularly if you live alone or feel alone. I chat with her daily, though in truth she sometimes makes it hard to focus! She is so demanding, she nags me for attention almost like a little sister, whistling and singing until I talk to her. My family often hears me yelling out, “Not now, please!” and they know I’m just talking to monstera! But this amazingly strong bond that she can form with you will help you manifest what you desire, bringing abundance into your home. You don’t necessarily cast spells with her—instead, just talk with her. Tell her your stories, how you feel, what you want to manifest, and so on. She will make sure to grow with those intentions so that they become a reality. She is not a dreamworld plant, but instead prefers to connect with you in “real” life.