Origanum majorana - A Compendium of Plants

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

Origanum majorana
A Compendium of Plants


love, healing

Marjoram tastes a bit like lemony oregano, though her essential oil smells more like camphor. Aphrodite—goddess of love and beauty—is said to have grown marjoram, and so marjoram has absorbed much of her sensual nature.


The ancient Greeks worked with marjoram for medicinal purposes, believing she could help people heal from poison, convulsions, and edema. You can use both leaves and flowers when working with marjoram. She can dry up a runny nose, calm mood swings (particularly hormonal ones), and settle nerves. She is also good for circulation, and will help the flow of breast milk.


Keep marjoram with you when going on dates, meeting new people, or even just when socializing online—she will keep away those who don’t have the best intentions. If you wish to know if someone you are starting to like or love is good for your heart, work with marjoram along with your divination tools, such as tarot. For an intensive heart healing and opening spell, draw a heart and place dried marjoram over it. Keep it on your altar next to a blue candle.


Marjoram is particularly effective when working with grief. If you’ve been sad for a long time because you have lost someone, experienced broken love, or endured a trauma in your life, it’s time to bring marjoram into your Magical workings. Marjoram acts as a barrier against sadness, giving you the space to breathe and find happiness again. Dreaming of marjoram symbolizes history repeating itself, so make sure to pay attention to the dream itself; she will show you how you may be close to repeating a mistake, particularly around heartbreak.