Juniper Berry Juniperus communis - A Compendium of Plants

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

Juniper Berry Juniperus communis
A Compendium of Plants


protection, opening the door between realms, purification

Juniper berries are used today to flavor many foods, particularly in Europe—their piney flavor seasons pork, cabbage, and sauerkraut, though most of us recognize it mainly as a key aromatic in gin. They are very easy to grow—you can probably find them in parks or as shrubbery—but if you want to forage for them make sure you are seeking out Juniperus communis, as other varieties are too bitter to eat. Juniper berries can also be toxic if overused.


Juniper berries were once used as a form of birth control, though these days they are more often used to treat arthritis, and to cleanse the digestive tract. Juniper is energizing, and can be used in a sickroom to ward off illness. Juniper also wards off insects!


Juniper is one of the best purification plants available. She offers protection from low vibrations, hexes, and psychic attacks. She is a common ingredient in spells intended to fight black or dark Magic, as well as malicious spirits. Juniper can also help you solve problems, especially those caused by strong emotions or toxic energy.

Juniper Berry Dirt to Ward Off Evil

This dirt harnesses the power of the Earth, infusing it with juniper’s protective energies.


5 to 10 juniper berries

1 teaspoon rue, fresh or dried

1 cup of dirt (not cemetery dirt, as that would not be right for this purpose—but if possible, collect your dirt from near a river)

2 tablespoons salt

1 teaspoon witch hazel


· While setting intentions for protection from evil and negative energy, grind all the ingredients together with a mortar and pestle, or by using a bowl and wooden spoon to smash and mix them.

· When you’ve finished, sprinkle your dirt in each corner of your front door, or of any door you wish to ward.

· You can also write your name on a piece of paper and cover it with your dirt, burying it in the ground—this will keep you protected.

Burning juniper during the Full Moon, or lighting a black candle dressed in juniper, will create a bridge to other realms—and the beauty of juniper is that she will protect you by not taking you to realms she feels you cannot handle.


The more you work with juniper, the more she builds your spirit and mind to help you travel like a boss. You will quickly become more aware and intuitive, able to see and hear the signs and messages these realms have in store for you. If you dream of juniper, take heed—she is bringing you a warning of unfortunate events to come. Pay attention, as she will offer clues for how to avoid coming disaster.