Honeysuckle Lonicera - A Compendium of Plants

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

Honeysuckle Lonicera
A Compendium of Plants


banishing, protection, psychic ability

The honeysuckle gets her name from the practice of picking the blossom and sucking on the end to drink its nectar—though of course this can be done with a variety of pollinator-friendly flowers. However, the berries shouldn’t be eaten, as they are toxic.


Honeysuckle’s flowers, seeds, and leaves can be used to treat digestive disorders, upper respiratory tract infections, bacterial infections, swelling of the brain, fever, urinary disorders, headaches, and more. Honeysuckle blossoms steeped in honey can be used to treat a sore throat or a cough. Honeysuckle is sometimes applied to the skin for inflammation, itching, and to kill germs, but as with all herbs, please do a patch test as she can sometimes cause irritation on the skin.


Honeysuckle loves peace and freedom, and she protects what she loves—I use honeysuckle to protect my family, the Earth, and all of our Mother’s children. Add her nectar to your protection candles, workings, or intentions to amplify their vibrations.


Honeysuckle’s wisdom lives within the spirit of awareness of your surroundings and inner self. She keeps your spiritual antenna aligned so that it may protect you. If you dream of honeysuckle, you may fear losing someone close to you or something you cherish. If you suck on her nectar in your dream, she will tell you what it is.

Honeysuckle Banishing Steam

Meditate with honeysuckle before attempting this spell, for in order for it to work she needs to trust you on a spiritual level. Ask her for her help, and pluck her flowers yourself to amplify your spell.


4 to 5 honeysuckle blossoms


2 cups water


· Suck the nectar from the honeysuckle blossoms. Don’t swallow—just let the nectar mix with your saliva, and then spit it into a cup.

· Bring 2 cups of water to a boil, add the flowers, and turn off the heat.

· Pour the boiled water into your cup of nectar and saliva, cover, and allow the mixture to steep for 3 minutes.

· While this is steeping, write on a piece of paper what it is you wish to banish. Remember, you should never banish a person, though you can ask for protection from someone.

· When you’re ready, remove the lid and hold your paper over the steam, allowing the moisture to seep into the words of your spell; 1 minute per side is long enough.

· When you’ve finished, roll up the piece of paper and bury it.