Hellebore - A Compendium of Plants

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

A Compendium of Plants



healing, protection, peace

Hellebore is one of the earliest flowers to bloom in the spring, and it will brighten dark corners of your garden. They look somewhat like roses, but are actually members of the buttercup family. Hellebore translates from Greek to “injurious food”—and the flowers are quite poisonous. There is a story in Christian traditions that says the first hellebore bloomed from a tear dropped by a girl who had no gift for the infant Jesus.


Hellebore was once used in ancient Greece to cure insanity, but it is so poisonous it’s best not to touch without gloves. It is theorized that Alexander the Great was killed by hellebore.


Are you an introvert? I am. Those of us who have trouble in crowded spaces need to have hellebore around—she will bring down those energies so they won’t affect us. Keeping her on you when you go out to a gathering creates a bubble-like cloak, hiding your energy field so that all that energy surrounding you can’t interact with you and you become energetically invisible. This is also useful for empaths, who need some protection from the emotions of others. In fact, hellebore is great for invisibility spells in general—dusting dried hellebore over someone while setting your intentions can keep them from being seen.


Hellebore’s calm and compassionate nature can help to soothe mental and emotional pain and struggle. Just her presence alone sends healing to these spaces. I would suggest keeping her where you work, to help you focus. I place her next to my work table, and I also keep her in my bathroom—so I can enjoy my baths and showers without a running mind—and in my sacred space while I do yoga, breath work, and other body-spirit practices. If you are a healer and work with people who need quieter minds and hearts, keep her with you and she will support your efforts. Dreaming of hellebore symbolizes a need to set healthy boundaries.