Grape Vitis - A Compendium of Plants

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

Grape Vitis
A Compendium of Plants


creativity, new beginnings, abundance, amplification, wishes

The grape has been a part of cultures all over the world for centuries. This woody vine’s berry has been used to make wine, grapeseed oil, and vinegar, and can be eaten fresh or dried. She grows easily and her fruit can be crimson, black, orange, blue, pink, green, or even white.


Grapes—especially red grapes—contain resveratrol, which can lower cholesterol and treat heart disease in general, as well as boost the immune system and cognitive function. Grapes can also treat diabetes and allergies. Cutting a grape in half and rubbing it on your face is an effective astringent that can clear up skin conditions such as acne. In particular, grapeseed oil can improve circulation, bone strength, mental resilience, and kidney function, and may reduce your risk of cancer.


You can work with grapes in so many different ways, such as mixing purified water and halved grapes in a spray bottle to purify and cleanse your home. To work with grapes for manifestation or wishes, make a wish or set an intention for each grape as you work your way through a cluster. You can also hang grape vines on a vision board or an outline for a creative project, or place them in your planner to help your dreams manifest. Indeed, grape vines are particularly powerful and can take your spellwork to the next level. Try cutting a length of grape vine into small pieces, and use them to amplify whatever spells you’re working on.


In my culture, grapes are transformative. They help with manifesting a new path in life, and as such they are sacred. Grapes are wonderful for fertility and abundance work, and their energy is so loving that simply leaving a bowl of grapes out on the table blesses the home. I would suggest setting out a bowl of grapes every day—this ritual act will allow her energy to create a sacred environment. I always keep a bowl of grapes on my altar.