Goldenrod Solidago - A Compendium of Plants

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

Goldenrod Solidago
A Compendium of Plants


love, psychic ability

Goldenrod has a distinctive color, much like yellow mustard. She grows in fields, and her young leaves are edible. Goldenrod blossoms attract many kinds of pollinators, and honey made from them is nearly clear, with an almost spicy flavor. This wild plant reproduces through her roots, bulbs, and stems, as well as by seed.


Goldenrod can counter bacterial infections and other causes of inflammation, especially kidney stones. If you are fasting, goldenrod can help clear out toxins. Some Native American tribes chew goldenrod leaves to soothe a sore throat, and the roots to ease a toothache. As a salve or tea, she is great at clearing up skin conditions.


Goldenrod is associated with the goddess Venus, and therefore with love. She is a wonderful addition to love potions, and it is said that giving goldenrod to a lover will seal your relationship. Use goldenrod in self-love baths and candle Magic to amplify love.

Goldenrod can also help with divination—sprinkle her on a table when doing psychic work. She is particularly good at awakening clairsentience, the ability to clearly sense emotions, vibrations, and energies. To build clairsentience, start by making yourself a cup of goldenrod and star anise tea, put goldenrod in your bath and allow the steam to fill your auric field, and finally light a yellow candle dressed in goldenrod. There! Now you have an entire ritual to awaken your clairsentience.


Goldenrod’s message is loving and gentle. If you have a hard time growing up or are scared of old age, she is the best plant for you. She will change your perspective on aging, helping you see it for the beautiful thing it truly is, helping you to grow into the wise being you are meant to be. Invite her into your dreams if you suffer from anxiety attacks related to fears of death or aging. She can take that panic and dilute it so that you can clearly see the true cause of your fears.