Welcome to Plant Witchery

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

Welcome to Plant Witchery

Dear Reader,

I am a Plant Witch, a healer, a seer, and an Indigenous Taino from the island of Cuba. I know the truth of what I speak. We are all connected to each other, and to the Earth that holds us. That Magic is available to us all . . . but we have to decide whether we want to grasp it with both hands and bring forth our power to make a difference in this world.

This isn’t easy! It takes commitment and faith—faith in the work that you do, and in the power that you have. Despite coming from a family of practicing Witches, I have struggled with that commitment and faith from time to time myself, as I hit challenges, even devastations, in my life: the things that come to us all. But each time, Magic pulled me through. Plants helped me overcome my fears, sheltering me, encouraging me, loving me, as they spoke to me with the voice of Mother Earth, the voice that echoes through us all.

You can do the same. You can close your eyes and find an inner silence, and hear what our Mother is whispering to you. She is saying, You are powerful. You are Magical. You are a being of light and fire and peace and darkness, and you are beautiful in all your contradictions.

That is what a Witch is, someone who is unafraid of complexity, and unafraid to shine in her pure light. And a Plant Witch takes this one step further, by seeking a deeper connection to Mother Earth through all her living beings, working with them, befriending them, and loving them. As a Plant Witch grows her practice, she raises her power—and just by doing that, she raises the power of Mother Earth.

Our Mother needs our help. She is being attacked every day. Her seas are dying, her trees are burning, and her creatures are going extinct. It is our sacred duty to love and protect her, as she has always loved and protected us.

So how do you know if you are a Plant Witch?

If you have chosen this book, then it’s likely that you are already a Plant Witch. You are already called by Mother Earth to work with her Magic . . . and you are likely working your own Magic every day, without realizing it.

The Plant Witch is one with the Earth and acknowledges the sacred self. She’s the protectress of her Mother, and the embodiment of Magic. The Plant Witch acknowledges the seasons and the messages, lessons, and wisdom they bring as they visit us. She sees beauty in the cycles of life, death, and rebirth. The Moon and the stars are her divine compass, helping her navigate her path with pure heart. The Plant Witch practices with natural Magic, as she works with nature to ground, balance, and shift her life, using natural elements to heal herself and to heal others. She cherishes the environment as she cherishes herself.

This is me. This is you, if you choose it. Walk this path with me, and together we will raise the vibration of the world, loving and protecting and empowering all life on Earth.


Juliet Image

Book Anointing Ritual

In my first book, Witchery: Embrace the Witch Within, I asked my readers to anoint the book to awaken a spell I hid within its pages. This allowed them to connect to the book, and transformed it into an oracle that could guide them through their Magical journey.

With this book, I wanted to do something slightly different. This ritual will awaken and amplify your connection to both our Mother Earth, and to your inner self. The book will then become a symbol of the pact you have made with the Earth—a promise to walk the path of the Plant Witch. This path honors the wisdom, medicine, and Magic that lives within our Mother Earth, and that we carry within us always. The spirits of our ancestors speak to us through the Earth, through the mountains, rivers, oceans, skies, caves, rocks, stones, animals, trees, plants, dirt, bones, roots . . . and the self.


All you need for this ritual is the Earth. This can be a space in your garden, or if you have an indoor garden, a pot filled with dirt.

Prepare something for planting—any seed that calls to you for any kind of plant will do. Trust your instincts, and choose what feels right for your practice as a Plant Witch. What represents the kind of Magical work you want to do?


· Allow yourself a quiet space. If you are in a park, or the woods, or your backyard, find a comfortable seat on the Earth. If you’re indoors, open your windows and sit on the floor beside your pot. Clear your mind of all noise. Take a deep breath in and relax the body.

· Place your seed on top of your book and rest your hands over it. Close your eyes and take three deep breaths.

· On your fourth exhale, release your breath with an audible hum. Choose a pitch that is comfortable for you, and visualize green light beaming out of your hands and into the seed. Allow that green light to spread into a huge glove of vibration, surrounding the book and yourself. Hum in this way three times.

· Sitting within that green light, pick up your seed. Whisper to it, “I am you and you are me. I am devoted to myself, the Earth, and the powers that be.”

· Gently and lovingly plant your seed.

· Hold your book against your heart. Whisper, “Together we are aligned in purpose and in journey. Bring me guidance, as I am devoted.”

This book is now your plant oracle.

If you can’t feel our ancestors vibrating through all the plants, trees, rivers, oceans, mountains, and yourself . . . then you can’t feel your truth.