Art Credits

The Philosopher’s Stone: Spiritual Alchemy, Psychology, and Ritual Magic - Israel Regardie 2013

Art Credits

The Alchemist in His Laboratory: Woodcut in Johann Daniel Mylius, Opus medico-chymicum ..., Vol. 1 (Francofurti, 1618—1620)

The Tree of Life: Llewellyn Art Department

Alchemical Mercury: from Tripus aureus (The Golden Tripod) by Michael Maier, c. 1618

Hermes Trismegistus: a woodcut of the title page of Zadith Ben Hamuel’s De chemica Senioris..., Strassburg, 1566

The Four Elements: engraving from, J. D. Mylius Philosophia reformata, Frankfurt, 1622

An Athanor, or Alchemical Furnace: Johann Conrad Barchusen, Elementa Chemiae, c. 1718

The Elements on the Tree: Llewellyn Art Department

The Dragon: Michael Maier, Tripus aureus (The Golden Tripod) c. 1618

Lady Alchimia: Christopher Love Morley and Theodorus Muykens, Collectanea chymica, c. 1693

The Black Crow with the Body and Twin Birds of Soul and Spirit

(Basilius Valentinus, Azoth, Paris, 1659)
(Basilius Valentinus, Azoth, Paris, 1659)

Mesmer Projecting Magnetism: Ebenezer Sibly, A Key to Psychic and the Occult Sciences, c. 1792

The Hermetic Triumph: Christopher Love Morley and Theodorus Muykens, Collectanea chymica, c. 1693

“Two Fishes” from The Book of Lambspring: published Musaeum Hermeticum in 1625 by Lucas Jennis in Frankfurt

The Pelican: Bartholomaeus Anglicus, Propriétaire des Choses, c. 1486

Cup Symbolism: Llewellyn Art Department

Caduceus Symbolism: Llewellyn Art Department

The Alchemist at Labor and at Prayer: Heinrich Khunrath, Amphitheatrum sapientiae aeternae, c. 1602

Cabala and Alchemy: Steffan Michelspacher, Cabala, c. 1616

The Altar Setup for Alchemy: Llewellyn Art Department

A Simple Alchemical Laboratory Setup: Llewellyn Art Department

Alchemical Hexagram: Llewellyn Art Department

Temple Setup: Llewellyn Art Department

The Elemental Pentagrams: Llewellyn Art Department

The Elemental Pentagrams: Llewellyn Art Department

Walking the Hexagram: Llewellyn Art Department

Invoking Earth: Llewellyn Art Department

Invoking Water: Llewellyn Art Department

Invoking Air: Llewellyn Art Department

Invoking Fire: Llewellyn Art Department

Invoking Spirit Active/Invoking Spirit Passive: Llewellyn Art Department

Invoking Sol/Invoking Luna: Llewellyn Art Department

Banishing Hexagrams: Llewellyn Art Department