Golden Dawn Ritual Method and Alchemy by Samuel Scarborough - Book Four Practical Alchemy and Ritual Magic

The Philosopher’s Stone: Spiritual Alchemy, Psychology, and Ritual Magic - Israel Regardie 2013

Golden Dawn Ritual Method and Alchemy by Samuel Scarborough
Book Four Practical Alchemy and Ritual Magic

In the Golden Dawn tradition the ritual method that is most commonly used is based on the material in the document known as Z.2—The Formulae of the Magic of Light. The formulae outlined in the Z.2 document are designed to be used by a member of the Adeptus Minor Grade, and this paper essentially details the stages used to perform various types of ritual in the sequence based upon the Neophyte Ceremony. In the Z.2 document there are several examples which cover the general formula, Evocation, Consecration of Talismans, Invisibility, Transformations, Spiritual Development, Divination, and Alchemy.

Since the Z.2 document is readily available in Regardie’s works, especially his The Golden Dawn and The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic, I will not go into great detail concerning it, but will show the Alchemy section as given in Regardie’s The Golden Dawn, that can be found on pages 395 through 399 of that book. (Comments in parentheses and italics are mine.—SS)

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A. The Curcurbite or the Alembic (the flask including the apparatus).

B. The Alchemist.

C. The process and forces employed. (Have with you a record of what you must do along with the list of planetary forces to be used and the names of power, the prepared ritual, etc.)

D. The Matter to be transmuted. (Herb and Menstrum.)

E. The selection of the Matter to be transmuted, and the formation (method), cleansing, and disposing of all the necessary vessels, materials, etc., for the working of the process. (In other words ’be prepared’.)

F. Purifications and banishings of work area (temple). General Invocation of the Higher Forces to Action. Place Matter within the curcurbite or philosophic egg (within the place it must go depending on the apparatus in use, and the placing of the Menstrum in its respective place for the operation), and invocation of a blind force to action therein darkness and silence. (The blind force is the zodiac and planetary force of the herb by use of Pentagram and Hexagram.)

G. The beginning of the actual process. The regulation and restriction

of the proper degree of heat and moisture to be employed in the working. First evocation followed by the first distillation. (Evocation given to nature of working.)

H. The taking up of the residuum which remaineth after the distillation from the curcurbite or alembic; the grinding thereof to form a powder in the mortar. (The calcining takes place first.) This powder (Salt) is then to be placed again in the curcurbite. The fluid already distilled is to be poured again on it. The curcurbite or philosophic egg is to be closed.

I. The curcurbite or philosophic egg being hermetically sealed, the Alchemist announces aloud that all is prepared for invocation of the forces necessary to accomplish the work. The Matter is then to be placed upon an Altar with the elements and four weapons thereon (earth-salt; air-incense; water-cup with consecrated water; fire-red candle. Your elemental weapons—cup; dagger; pentacle; wand), upon the white triangle and upon a flashing talisman of a general nature, in harmony with the matter selected for the working. Standing now in the place of the Hierophant at the East of the Altar (the temple is set up as for the 0=0 grade in the G.D. Outer Order), the Alchemist should place his left hand upon the top of the curcurbite (flask), raise his right hand holding the Lotus wand by the Aries band (in Southern Hemisphere the Libra band representing the beginning of the year), ready to commence the general invocation of the forces of the Divine Light to operate in the work.

J. The pronouncing aloud of the Invocation of the requisite general forces, answering to the class of alchemical work to be performed. The conjuring of the necessary forces to act in the curcurbite for the work required. The tracing in the air above it with appropriate weapon the necessary lineal figures, signs, sigils, and the like. Then let the Alchemist say: “So help me the Lord of the Universe and my own Higher Soul.” Then let him raise the curcurbite in the air with both hands, saying: “Arise herein to action, O ye forces of the Light Divine.”

K. Now let the matter putrefy in the water bath in a very gentle heat until darkness beginneth to supervene; and even until it becometh entirely black. (This refers to the digestion and deepening of colour, not necessarily black.) If from its nature the mixture will not admit entire blackness, examine it astrally until there is the astral appearance of the thickest possible darkness, and thou mayest also evoke an elemental form to tell thee if the blackness is sufficient. But be thou sure that in this latter thou art not deceived, seeing that the nature of the symbol of darkness, wherefore ask thou of him nothing further concerning the working at this stage but only concerning the blackness, and this can be further tested by the elemental itself, which should be either black or clad in an intensely black robe. (Note, that for the evocation use the name, etc., of Saturn.) When the mixture be sufficiently black, then take the curcurbite out of the water bath and place it north of the Altar and perform over it a solemn invocation of the forces of Saturn to act therein; holding the wand (Lotus wand) by the black band, then say: “The voice of the Alchemist said unto me, let me enter the Path of Darkness, for thus may I achieve the realm of Light.” The curcurbite is then unstopped and the Alembic Head fitted for the purposes for distillation. (This is the reconnection of the apparatus for distilling. Note also that during the invocations an unconsecrated flashing talisman is placed under the curcurbite to attract the necessary forces. This is done by colour, the colour attracting a particular vibration.)

L. Then let the Alchemist distil with a gentle heat until nothing remaineth to come over. Let him take the residuum (calcine it) and grind it into a powder; replace this powder in the curcurbite, and pour again upon it the fluid previously distilled. The curcurbite is then placed again in a water bath in a gentle heat. When it seems fairly dissolved (irrespective of colour) let it be taken out of the bath. It is now to undergo another magical ceremony.

M. Now place the curcurbite to the West of the Altar, holding the Lotus wand by the black end, perform a magical invocation of the Moon in her decrease and of Cauda Draconis. The curcurbite is then to be exposed to the moonlight (she being in her decrease) for nine consecutive nights, commencing at the full moon. The Alembic Head is then to be fitted on. (The flask is reattached to the rest of the apparatus.)

N. Repeat process set forth in Section L.

O. The curcurbite is to be placed to the East of the Altar, and the Alchemist performs and invocation of the Moon in her increase, and of Caput Draconis (holding Lotus wand by white band) to act upon the Matter. The curcurbite is now exposed for nine consecutive nights (ending with the full moon) to the Moon’s rays. (In this, as in all similar exposures, it matters not if such nights are over-clouded, so long as the vessel be placed in such a position as to receive the direct rays should the clouds clear.)

P. The curcurbite is again to be placed on the white triangle upon the Altar. The Alchemist performs an invocation of the forces of the Sun to act upon the curcurbite. It is then to be exposed to the rays of the Sun for 12 hours each day, from 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. (or Sunrise to Sunset, and the Sun must be strongly aspected and positioned in the Zodiac at this stage).

Q. The curcurbite is again placed upon the white triangle upon the Altar. The Alchemist repeats the words: “Child of Earth, Long has thou dwelt in darkness, quit the night and seek the day,” then holding the Lotus wand by the white end, say: “I formulate in thee the invoked forces of Light,” then reciting the mystic words (words of Power from the Enochian Watch Towers).

At this point keen and bright flashes of light should appear in the curcurbite, and the mixture itself (as far as nature will permit) should be clear. Now invoke an Elemental from the curcurbite consonant to the Nature of the mixture, and judge by the nature of the colour of its robes and their brilliancy whether the Matter has attained the right condition. But if the flashes do not appear and if the robes of the elemental be not brilliant and flashing, then let the curcurbite stand within the white triangle for seven days; having on the right hand of the Apex of the triangle a flashing (gold) talisman of the Sun, and in the left one of the Moon (silver). Let it not be moved or disturbed all these seven days; but not in the dark, save at night. Then let the operation as aforementioned be repeated over the curcurbite and this process may be repeated altogether three times if the flashing light cometh not. For without this latter the work would be useless. But if after three repetitions it still appears not, it is a sign that there hath been an error in the working, such being either in the disposition of the Alchemist or in the management of the curcurbite. Wherefore let the lunar and solar invocations and exposures be repeated, when without doubt, if these be done with care (and more especially those of Caput Draconis and Cauda Draconis with those of the moon as taught, for these have great force materially), then without doubt shall that flashing light manifest itself in the curcurbite.

R. Holding the Lotus wand by the white end, the Alchemist now draws over the curcurbite the symbol of the Flaming Sword as if descending into the mixture. Then let him place the curcurbite to the East of the Altar. The Alchemist stands between the pillars, and performs a solemn invocation of the forces of Mars to act therein. The curcurbite is then placed between the pillars (or drawn symbols of the same) for seven days, upon the flashing talisman of Mars. After this period, fit the Alembic Head, and distill first in a water bath then direct flame until what time the mixture will distill over.

S. Now let the Alchemist take the fluid of the distillate and let him perform over it an invocation of the forces of Mercury (planet) to act in the clear fluid, so as to formulate therein Alchemical Mercury, even the Mercury of the philosophers. (The residuum or dead head is not to be worked with at present, but is to be set apart for future use.) After the invocation of Alchemic Mercury a certain brilliance should manifest itself in the whole fluid, that is to say, it should not only be clear, but also brilliant and flashing. Now expose it in a hermetic receiver for seven days to the light of the Sun (and when Mercury is in strong harmonious aspects); at the end of which time there should be distinct flashes of light therein. (Or a philosophic egg may be used; but the receiver of the Alembic if close-stopped will answer this purpose.)

T. Now the residuum of Dead Head is to be taken out of the curcurbite (calcined), ground small and replaced. An invocation of the Forces of Jupiter is then to be performed over that powder. It is then kept in the dark, standing upon a flashing Talisman of Jupiter for seven days. At the end of this time there should be a slight flashing about it, but if this come not yet, repeat this operation up to three times, when a faint flashing light is certain to come.

U. A flashing Talisman (tablet) of each of the four elements is now to be placed upon the altar as shown in the diagram below, and thereon are also to be placed the magical elemental weapons, as is also clearly indicated. The receiver containing the distillate in now to be placed between the Air and Water Talismans (tablets), and the curcurbite with the Dead Head between the Fire and Earth Talismans (tablets). Now let the Alchemist perform an invocation using especially the Supreme Ritual of the Pentagram, and the lesser magical implement appropriate. First, of the forces of Fire to act in the curcurbite on the Dead Head. Second, of those of Water to act on the distillate. Third, of the forces of the Spirit to act on both (using white end of Lotus wand). Fourth, of those of the Air to act on the distillate; and lastly, those of earth to act on the Dead Head. Let the curcurbite and the receiver stand thus for five consecutive days, at the end of which time there should be flashes manifest in both mixtures. And these flashes should be lightly coloured. (See diagram of Z.2. Altar Setup on page 249.)

V. The Alchemist, still keeping the vessels in the same relative positions, but removing the tablets of the elements from the Altar, then substitutes one of Kether. This must be white with golden charges, and is to be placed within the white triangle between the vessels. He then addresses a most solemn invocation to the forces of Kether; to render the result of the working that which he shall desire, and making over each vessel the symbol of the flaming sword.

This is the most important of all the invocations. It will only succeed if the Alchemist keepeth himself closely allied unto his Higher Self, ensuring the working of the invocation and of making the Talisman. And at the end of it, if it have been successful, a keen and translucent flash will take place of the slightly coloured flashes in the receiver of the curcurbite; so that the fluid should sparkle as a diamond, whilst the powder in the curcurbite shall slightly gleam.

W. The distilled liquid is now to be poured from the receiver upon the residuum of the Dead Head in the curcurbite, and the mixture at first will appear cloudy. It is now to be exposed to the Sun for ten days consecutively (ten is Tiphareth translating the influence of Kether). It is then again to be placed upon the white triangle upon the Altar, upon a flashing talisman of Venus, with a solemn invocation of Venus to act therein. Let it remain thus for seven days, at the end of which time see what forms and colours and appearance the liquor hath taken, for there should now arise a certain softer flash in the liquid, and an elemental may be evoked to test the condition. When this softer flash is manifest, place the curcurbite into the water bath to digest with a very gentle heat for seven days. Place it then in a water bath for distilling, beginning with a gentle, and ending with a strong heat. Distill thus until nothing more will come over, even with the most violent heat. (Not recommended as the equipment may break.) Preserve the fluid in a closely stoppered vial, it is an Elixir for use according to the substance from which it was prepared. If from a thing medicinal, a medicine; if from a metal, for the purifying of metals; and herein shalt thou use thy judgment. The residuum thou shalt place without powdering into a crucible, well sealed and luted. And thou shalt place the same in thine Athanor, bringing it first to a red, and then to a white head, and thus thou shalt do 7 times 7 consecutive days, taking out the crucible each day as soon as thou hast brought it to the highest possible heat, and allowing it to cool gradually.

And the preferable time for this working should be in the heat of the day. On the seventh day of this operation thou shalt open the crucible and thou shalt behold what Form and Colour thy Caput Mortuum hath taken. It will be like either a precious stone or glittering powder. And this stone or powder shall be of Magical Virtue in accordance with its nature.


As can be seen from the above outline and instructions, the Alchemy portion of the Z.2 is rather complex—even daunting to many who would like to incorporate the Golden Dawn ritual format into working with Alchemy. Couple the complexity of the formula above with the often intimidating instructions and language for performing any alchemical work and a person throws up their hands in disgust from trying to figure out what to do or how to carry out these operations.

We will explore how to use Ritual in the Golden Dawn format with basic plant alchemy or spagyrics in the following portions of this article. Being familiar with the basic formula for working with Alchemy helps, especially the concepts of Solve et Coagula or Separation and Reassembly. This process for performing basic alchemy has been outlined in another paper and should be referred to often when looking to add in ritual to those techniques.

There are several stages of work related to actually doing alchemical work, these include Preliminary (deciding on what plant to use, determining if the process will be successful through divination, and if the time is correct to do the operation—astrology and planetary charts), maceration (grinding of material and adding the menstrum to extract the Sulfur from the body of the material, digestion of the material, and decanting), calcination (burning the material to obtain a fine ash or Salt, purification of the Salt), and circulation (combining the Salt and menstrum Tincture and applying heat so that it can evaporate and condense in a vessel), and of course final Consecration and Charging of the Tincture.


There are certain things that must be done before starting any magical working, whether ritual or alchemical. The first thing is to decide on the nature of the working to be undertaken. In this case, we are going to explore the creation of a basic alchemical planetary tincture derived from plant matter. So what is needed here is what Planet to start with—the choices are one of the seven classical planets of Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sol, Mercury, Venus or Luna—and the plant that corresponds to the planet of the operation. In a previous example we examined using Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) for Jupiter, and here we will continue that example. If another planet is used, then another plant would be used for the material basis of the tincture.

Now that you have the planet and plant that you want to use for your tincture, you should determine a couple of things through divination. These are: will the process be successful, is it the correct time to proceed and what is the outcome of doing this working? There are three standard ways of obtaining the answers to these sorts of questions—tarot, geomancy, and astrology.


Most people in esoteric circles have some practice and experience with using the tarot to divine an answer to a question. In this case, a person is going to want to know if “the operation will be successful?” or “What will be the outcome of the operation?” Personally, I prefer the phrase “What will be the outcome of the operation?”

How to use the tarot to divine the outcome of the operation:

• Choose your tarot deck and tarot spread

• Choose a time to do the spread

• Banish the area with the Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram

• Invoke the Divine

• Shuffle and lay out the card spread

• Interpret the card spread

Since we are looking at Golden Dawn methods, that means that the deck in question will be a Golden Dawn deck, either The Golden Dawn Magical Tarot by S. Tabatha Cicero, the Golden Dawn Tarot by Robert Wang, or the Classic Golden Dawn Tarot by Richard Dudschus and David Sledzinski. Of course, the Rider-Waite deck, the B.O.T.A. deck, and the Thoth Deck of Aleister Crowley deck can all be used. Actually, any deck that a person is comfortable using is fine.

The spread is up to the person to use, but for this sort of work, I personally like to use the 15 Card Spread popularized by the Ciceros and found in their Golden Dawn Ritual Tarot book (as well as other books of theirs) or the Split-Hexagram Spread of Donald Michael Kraig—this can be found in Kraig’s Modern Magick.

Now that the deck and spread are determined, lay them out and perform the Four-fold Breath, followed by the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP). Follow this with an invocation to the Highest such as:

In the Divine name IAO I invoke thee, thou Great Angel HRU, who art set over the operations of this Secret Wisdom. Lay thine hand invisibly on these consecrated cards of art, that thereby I may obtain true knowledge of hidden things, to the glory of the ineffable Name. Amen.187

Once the invocation has been said, pause briefly, and ask the question, “What will be the outcome of the operation?” Shuffle and keep this question in your mind while continuing to shuffle the deck and while cutting the deck according to the spread that you are going to use or the manner that you are most familiar.

Lay out the cards in the chosen spread and interpret the meaning of the cards in the spread. Obviously having a negative outcome means not to proceed with the operation at this time, a positive outcome is what is being looked for so that you can proceed to the next step. If you get mixed results from your divination, wait one hour and do the reading again, or wait a day before redoing the divination.


Geomancy can be used as well to divine if you will get a positive or negative result from doing the alchemical operation. You follow the standard rules for setting up a geomantic divination and banish. Since you are working with Planetary Spirits in geomantic readings, then you will use the Spirit associated with the Planet of the operation. In our example we are looking to create a Jupiter Tincture with Lemon Balm, so we would work with the Planetary Genius Hismael.

Once You Have a Positive Divination

Once you get a positive result through your divination into the success of carrying out the basic alchemical operation to obtain one of the Seven Basic Planetary Tinctures, there are a couple of things that need to be done. These include acquiring the appropriate herb that corresponds to the planet. In this case, it is Lemon Balm for Jupiter. The appropriate day, time, and astrological phenomena also need to be determined. The appropriate tools and ritual materials will also need to be acquired or made.

Each of the seven days of the week corresponds to a particular planet, and each hour during that day also corresponds to a time when a particular planet has some influence during the day. Sunday corresponds to Sol or the Sun; Monday to Luna or the Moon; Tuesday to Mars; Wednesday to Mercury; Thursday to Jupiter; Friday to Venus; and Saturday to Saturn.

The planetary hours for each day are as follows:

Planetary Hours of the Day









































































































Planetary Hours of the Night









































































































With our chosen Jovian herb of Lemon Balm we will be working on it on a Thursday (Jupiter) during the first and eighth hours of the day (from sunrise to sunset). Also you will want to do your basic grinding of the herbal material during the time of the waxing to full moon.

Ritually during this time, it would be good to also make a flashing tablet for the energies associated with the appropriate planet. There are two forms of this flashing tablet, the basic and the advanced.

The basic flashing tablet is a circle of wood, paper (cardstock), or other material, approximately 9 to 91⁄2 inches in diameter that can be painted white with a black planetary glyph in the center of the flashing tablet and a 1⁄2 inch black border.

The advanced form of this flashing tablet is the same size, but the field of the circle is in the planetary color, while the planetary glyph and border are in the flashing or complementary color. So the colors would be as follows:


Field Color

Glyph & Border Color





















Yellow-Orange (Amber)

Alternately, you can use the flashing color of the appropriate Sephiroth on the Tree of Life in the Queen Scale of Colors:


Field Color

Glyph & Border Color






















This flashing tablet, whichever version is used, should be created and painted in the day and hour to which it corresponds. Once it is complete, dry, and sealed with a clear sealer, the flashing tablet should be placed on the altar with the appropriate planetary incense burning and in such a manner as to be able to “soak up” the energies it represents. Having sunlight on it for this is fine, as is moonlight. Remember that the flashing tablet need not have the planetary energies invoked for it like a talisman—it is more passive in nature than a talisman. The flashing tablet should stay on the altar for at least 12 hours though 24 hours is more common to allow it to absorb the planetary energies associated with it and the day it is being charged. Most people place it on the altar to soak up this energy starting at sunrise for the day it is dedicated and removing it just before sunrise the following day.

If you wanted to invoke the general planetary energies for the flashing tablet you could do so by invoking the Divine Name of the Sephiroth, the Archangel, the Angel, the Intelligence, and the Planetary Spirit during the hour and day of the planet in question through a simply ritual. I would recommend something simple and not complex such as a general invoking pentagram over (as if standing on) the flashing tablet rather than the planetary hexagram, though that can be used as well. This process can be as simple or as complex as you choose to make it.

When you have the flashing tablet completed and charged (through whichever method), you use the tablet as a focal point while doing the various operations in the alchemical process. You clear your work space and perform the LBRP followed by the LIRP. You place the flashing tablet under your mortar and pestle while grinding the herb in the day and hour of the planet. During this process you can again perform (or for the first time perform) the invocation used to charge the flashing tablet (that is if it were used earlier). An example using Jupiter, this invocation would be something along the lines of:

In the Divine Name, AL, I, (motto), invoke the forces and powers of TZEDEK (Jupiter) to infuse this my alchemical working. May the Archangel SACHIEL lay his hands upon this herb, may the Intelligence IOPHIEL and the Spirit HISMAEL also be in attendance so that the forces and powers of TZEDEK may aid me in my search for the Quintessence and that I may attain greater understanding of hidden things and thereby advance in the Great Work.

While grinding the herb, concentrate on the nature and powers of the planet being worked with. In our example we are working with Jupiter, so the Jovian aspects we would be thinking about during the process of grinding would be those of Health, Prosperity, Advancement, Civic Leadership, Religion, and Benevolent Power.

Grinding the herbal matter may take several sessions or even days to accomplish. If a person is grinding the herb several times during the appropriate day and during the appropriate planetary hours, then the herb should be set aside and veiled with a piece of silk (in the appropriate color if possible) when not being ground or worked with. This helps protect the herbal matter and limits the influences of the other planets upon the material so that more of the correct planetary forces are connected to the plant matter.

Once the herb is ground (and this may take more than one session or day), then you place the ground plant matter in a jar to macerate for two weeks to forty days. You can again place the flashing tablet under or beside the jar while it macerates. If you are using an incubator to maintain the temperature of menstrum and plant matter while it macerates make sure that the material of the flashing tablet can withstand the prolonged heat of the incubator. You may have to place the flashing tablet on top of or beside the maceration vessel rather than under it, especially if you have sand in the bottom of your incubator.

The process of banishing the area with the LBRP followed by using the LIRP and the invocation of the planet can be used when you place the menstrum in the incubator. Twice a day when you remove the menstrum to agitate it through gentle shaking you should again focus on the aspects of the planet and have only those ideas in your mind. Here the flashing tablet helps you focus on those aspects while you agitate the material and again the use of the LBRP and invocation can be used prior to stirring the menstrum while still sealed.

At the next stage for the alchemical process in making a tincture, you separate the menstrum from the used plant matter. Here the banishing and invocation process can be used to clear the area before finally removing the menstrum from the incubator and pouring the menstrum through a strainer to separate the plant material from the liquid. The flashing tablet can be placed under the clean flask that will hold the liquid only. Still the person should concentrate on the principles of the planet being worked with—so in the example of using Lemon Balm, the principles of Jupiter will be kept in mind during this process.

The flashing tablet is not really suited to be used during the Calcination stage of the alchemical operation, but it can be close to operation to act as a focus for both the operator and the energies of the ash to be obtained. The better placement for the flashing tablet is with the new tincture at this point in the operation.

If you need to grind the ash for further calcinations, then the flashing tablet can be used under the mortar while you grind it so that you can get the desired degree of ash. The process of banishing and invocation prior to grinding should take place in the work area. Remember to use planetary day and time as much as possible here.

If you leach the Salts with distilled water (known as the Way of Fire and Water), then use the flashing tablet as a focal point during the process. As in all the previous stages, do the banishing and invoking along with the invocation of the planetary forces followed by keeping your concentration on the aspects of the planet that you want to infuse the tincture.

The next stage in the operation is the circulation. This is done once you have obtained the Salt from the plant matter. The ritual process here is just like in all the preceding ones. You also want to try to do this stage during the day and hour of the planet. Use the flashing tablet throughout the complete set of Circulation until you have obtained a pure tincture with perfected Salt, Mercury, and Sulfur.

There is one final step magically that now needs to take place, and that is the charging of the final tincture with the additional planetary force and power through ritual. This ritual follows essentially the traditional Z.2 format.

The ritual will require another tool or piece of apparatus, a Triangle of the Art which will be large enough to hold the flask with completed tincture and have the flashing tablet under the flask. This Triangle of the Art should be large enough to fit on the Altar.

The temple should be arranged ahead of time so that on the day and hour of the planet you can bring in the flashing tablet and the tincture to be placed in the Triangle of the Art on the Altar. The moon should again be waxing to full during this ritual. The Temple is arranged as in the Neophyte Ceremony. On the Altar is an altar cloth in the appropriated planetary or sephirothic color, candles in the appropriate color, the corresponding incense and the various tools needed.

Below I am going to give an example of a ritual or rite which can be used in any grade using the techniques of the Golden Dawn. The following rite is much less complicated that that presented in the Z.2 document, and achieves a charging or influx of the appropriate planetary forces into the tincture thus giving the spagyrical tincture an added boost in connection to its particular energies. A more advanced version of this rite will be discussed following the rite. Since we have been using Lemon Balm and Jupiter in our other examples, this example ritual will follow along those lines.

Rite of Charging a Jupiter Tincture

Ritual Preparations: The Temple or Sanctuary of the magician is set up in the 0=0 Grade with the Triangle of Art on the Altar. The magician wears the regalia of the Portal; Black Robe, Black & White Nemyss, Red Slippers or Socks, and crossed grade Sashes (alternately the regalia of the Adeptus Minor may be worn). On the Altar besides the Triangle (the Triangle should be large enough for the flask to sit inside of) is a Blue188 Candle, a Censer or Thurible, the appropriate Incense (Saffron), a tablet with the Sigil of Jupiter on it (this is the flashing tablet), and Alchemical Tincture made from the appropriate herbs. The Cup of Lustral Water is to the North of the Hall, and the Censer of Fire to the South. Also you will need either a black or blue cloth to cover the vessel that the Tincture is in.

This ritual is to charge the Tincture of Jupiter with the appropriate Divine Energy. You will first have made the Jupiter Tincture in the appropriate alchemical manner. On the day and hour of Jupiter, while Luna is in flux or full, set up the temple as above. The tablet with the sigil of Jupiter is placed on the Triangle. The Tincture is placed in the Triangle on top of the flashing tablet, the blue candle is placed to the eastern side of the Altar, and the censer with the unlit planetary incense is placed to the southern side of the Altar and Triangle.

Enter the temple in the Sign of the Opening of the Veil.

Go to the West of the Altar, face East. Light Candles in Sanctuary or Temple:

Begin in the East, light candles right to left; then circumambulate to the South, light candles right to left, then light the charcoal in the thurible or Incense; circumambulate to the West, light candles right to left; circumambulate to the North, light candles right to left; go directly to the East of the Altar, light candles right to left. Return to the West of Altar.

Go to the North East and say: “Hekas! Hekas! Este Bebeloi!”

Return to West of Altar, Saluting the Banner of the East as you go.

Face East. Perform LBRP.

Go to the North, take up the Cup of Lustral Water and go to the East.

Purify the Hall with Water, saying:

“So therefore, the priest who governeth the works of fire, must sprinkle with the lustral water of the loud resounding sea.”

In each quarter, starting in the East, trace a large equal-armed cross towards the quarter, and then sprinkle thrice towards the quarter before moving deosil to the next quarter. Remember to Salute the Banner of the East when passing.

On returning to the East, raise the Cup overhead and say: “I Purify with Water!”

Return Cup to the North.

Salute on passing the East, and go to the South picking up the Censer.

Go to the East.

Consecrate the Hall with Fire, saying:

“And when after all the phantoms are banished, thou shalt see that holy and formless fire, that fire which darts and flashes through the hidden depths of the universe, hear thou the voice of fire!”

Trace an equal-armed cross to the quarter and wave the Thurible thrice before moving deosil to the next quarter. Remember to Salute the Banner of the East when passing.

On returning to the East, hold the Censer on high and say: “I Consecrate with Fire!”

Return the Censer or Thurible to the South, Saluting the Banner of the East when passing.

Go to the West of the Altar, face East for a moment.

Go to the Northeast and face West, saying:

“The visible Sun is the dispenser of Light and Life to Earth. Let me form therefore a Vortex in this temple, so that the invisible Light of the Spirit shall shine therein from above.”

Circumambulate deosil, Saluting with the Neophyte Signs in the East.

Return to West of Altar, face East.

Perform the Adoration to the Lord of the Universe:

“Holy Art Thou, Lord of the Universe!” (Sign of the Enterer)

“Holy Art Thou whom Nature hath not formed!” (Sign of the Enterer)

“Holy Art Thou, the Vast and the Mighty One!” (Sign of the Enterer)

“Lord of the Light and the Darkness!” (Sign of Silence)

Continue to face East, pause for a moment before continuing.

Spread your hands in benediction over the Altar, say:

“I invoke you, you Holy Seraphim, Kerubs, Angels of the celestial Spheres, and dominions that are free from all earthly passions, from all inward inclination to the bondage of discord, and from all that is low, principalities who exhibit divine lordship and true service who through them, the soul may turn from attachment to earthly activities to the service of the One, who by them allow us to become a coworker with the divine ministers whose dwelling is in the Invisible. You are the Guardians of the Gates of the Universe. May you also be the Guardians of this Mystic Sphere. Keep far removed the Evil and the Unbalanced. Strengthen and inspire me, so that I may preserve unsullied this abode of the Mysteries of the Eternal One. Let my Sphere be pure and holy, so that I may enter in, and become a partaker of the Light Divine.”

Pause briefly, and then continue:

“Glory be unto Thee, O Lord of the Universe,

for Thy Glory flows out rejoicing unto the ends of the Universe.

Come Thou in the Power of the Light!

Come Thou in the Light of Wisdom!

Come Thou in the Mercy of the Light!

The Light hath Healing in its Wings!”

Spread arms in the form of a Cross and say:

“The voice of the Alchemist said unto me, let me enter the Path of Darkness, for thus may I achieve the realm of Light.”

Knock on the Altar four times. Image

Pause momentarily, and then light the planetary incense on the Altar and the Blue Candle.

Take up the Vessel with the Tincture and Circumambulate sunwise once, Saluting the East with the Signs when passing, while saying:

“Having mingled the Vital Spark from two according substances, Mind and Divine Spirit, as a third to these He added Holy Love, the venerable Charioteer uniting all things.”

Return to West of the Altar, face East, and replace the Vessel on the Altar. Pause briefly, then say:

“In the Divine Name, AL, I, (motto), invoke the forces and powers of TZEDEK to infuse this my alchemical working. May the Archangel SACHIEL, lay his hands upon this herb, may the Intelligence IOPHIEL and the Spirit HISMAEL also be in attendance so that the forces and powers of the TZEDEK may aid me in my search for the Quintessence and that I may attain greater understanding of hidden things and thereby advance in the Great Work.”

Trace the basic Invoking Pentagram over the Vessel as though it were standing upright on the Vessel.

Perform the Projection Sign thrice towards the Vessel concentrating with all your Will on the energy flowing into and charging the Tincture within the Vessel, infusing it with the Divine Energies and those of Jupiter.

Perform the Sign of Silence.

Trace the Sigil of the Divine Name AL over the Vessel as if standing on the Vessel.

Perform the Projection Sign.

Trace the Sigil of TZEDEK over the Vessel as if standing on the Vessel.

Perform the Projection Sign.

Trace the Sigil of the Archangel SACHIEL over the Vessel as if standing on the Vessel.

Perform the Projection Sign.

Trace the Sigil of IOPHIEL over the Vessel as if standing on the Vessel.

Perform the Projection Sign.

Trace the Sigil of HISMAEL over the Vessel as if standing on the Vessel.

Perform the Projection Sign.

Trace the Lightning Flash over the Vessel as if standing on the Vessel.

Perform the Projection Sign.

Perform the Sign of Silence.

Meditate on the Jovian energies infusing the Tincture.

Take up the Vessel with the Tincture and Circumambulate sunwise once, holding the Vessel overhead while saying:

“From Thy hand, O Lord cometh all good; from Thy hands flow down all Grace and Blessing.”

Return to West of the Altar, face East and replace the Vessel.

Place hands above the Vessel and say:

“The Light shineth in the Darkness, yet the Darkness comprehendeth it not!”

Again take up the Vessel, holding it overhead, Circumambulate sunwise once, saluting with the Signs when passing East, while saying:

“O Lord of the Universe, Thou art above all things and before Thee the shadows of the Night roll back and the Darkness hasteneth away.”

Return to West of the Altar, face East and replace the Vessel.

Place hands above the Vessel and say:

“Oh Tincture of Jupiter, thou hast been through the Darkness to the Light, be thee the embodiment of the forces and powers of TZEDEK. Aid me in my search for the Quintessence, the Stone of the Philosophers, True Wisdom, and Perfect Happiness.

Cover the Vessel with the silk cloth.

Knock on the Altar four times. Image

Purify and Consecrate the temple as in the opening of the rite.

Go to the Southeast, and then perform the Reverse Circumambulation.

Return to the West of the Altar, face East and say:

“The Mystical Reverse Circumambulation is accomplished. It is symbolical of the Fading of the Light.”

Perform the Adoration to the Lord of the Universe:

“Holy Art Thou, Lord of the Universe!” (Sign of the Enterer)

“Holy Art Thou whom Nature hath not formed!” (Sign of the Enterer)

“Holy Art Thou, the Vast and the Mighty One!” (Sign of the Enterer)

“Lord of the Light and the Darkness!” (Sign of Silence)

Perform the LBRP.

Face East and say:

“I now declare this temple duly closed. So Mote It Be!”

Extinguish Lights in the Sanctuary or Temple:

Begin at the East side of Altar, extinguish candles left to right; go directly to the North, extinguish candles left to right; reverse circumambulate to the West, extinguish candles left to right; reverse circumambulate to the South, extinguish candles left to right; reverse circumambulate to the East, extinguish candles left to right. Go to the West of Altar facing East.

Exit the temple with the Sign of the Closing of the Veil.

The Rite is Finished.

To make the preceding rite fit into a more advanced Golden Dawn paradigm for ritual practice, the magician would include the Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram (BRH) following the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram in the Opening, and the appropriate Planetary Invoking Hexagrams in all four Quarters along with the associated Divine Names after the Invocation to the Highest. This will give an added boost to the rite and will also focus the energies of the Planet more intently on the tincture on the Altar. These selfsame energies would be banished once the tincture is charged and covered, and as part of the closing of the rite.

To verify your results, try creating a tincture with one process alone, i.e. one tincture made following only alchemical work and one using just ritual methods. Note your results from this. Now create a tincture using both ritual and alchemy in combination. Again note your results.

The above rite follows the formula given below, which is the most basic of Golden Dawn ritual formulae based upon the traditional Z.2 Formulae as outlined in The Essential Golden Dawn by Chic and S. Tabatha Cicero:

The Opening

1) Declaration of the Commencement of a Ritual

2) A Banishing Ritual

3) Initial Purification and Consecration

4) Circumambulation

5) Adoration

The Middle Point

1) An Invocation Ritual

2) An Invocation to the Highest

3) The Main Working

The Closing

1) Final Purification and Consecration

2) Reverse Circumambulation

3) Adoration

4) License to Depart

5) Banishing Ritual

6) Declare Temple Closed


The aim of alchemical work, whether in the Plant Kingdom (Spagyrics), the Mineral Kingdom (Alchemy), or even the Animal Kingdom (also Alchemy), is to separate, purify, and then recombine the various aspects of the matter that is being worked with. Once this purified and recombined process is complete, then a new and better than Nature item is created for the use of the alchemist.

In Golden Dawn ritual work, we are working with the Highest aspects of the Divine and our souls to tap into that pure divine current which flows throughout the universe. We invoke this highest in our ritual through things like the Invoking Pentagram (in the lesser form) or the Invoking Spirit Pentagrams, both Active and Passive (in the superior form), and through our invocation to the Highest Divine Force to aid us in our working.

By utilizing both methods in conjunction, those of alchemy and ritual, we create an alchemical substance that is more infused with the proper divine force along with the corresponding planetary force and power. This will allow the alchemist/magician to derive more from the tincture or elixir created. The use of the most basic ritual, such as a banishing or invoking, helps to create an atmosphere for positive ritual with the appropriate energies of the working in question, which goes beyond the focus of merely alchemical or Golden Dawn ritual to create something more.

Alchemy is call the Royal Art in that it makes use of all the various aspects or training that is available to the alchemist: astrology, divination, correspondences, invocation (through prayer), and timing. Add to this list ritual, and you have the complete alchemist or magician who can use all that he has been trained in to produce something more than either ritual or alchemy alone could.

Seek the higher aspirations of your soul through doing the Work—both with alchemy and ritual—so that you can become “more than human” and that much closer to Divinity.


Albertus, Frater. The Alchemist’s Handbook. York Beach, ME: Samuel Weiser, Inc., 1974.

Bartlett, Robert Allen. Real Alchemy: A Primer of Practical Alchemy. np: Lulu Publishing, 2007.

———. The Way of the Crucible. np: Lulu Publishing, 2008.

Cicero, Chic, and Sandra Tabatha Cicero. Creating Magical Tools. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 1999.

———.The Essential Golden Dawn. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 2003.

———. Tarot Talismans. Woodbury, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 2006.

———. The New Golden Dawn Ritual Tarot. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 1991.

Dubuis, Jean. Spagyrics (A Practical Course in Plant Alchemy)—

Volume 1 of 2: Lessons 1—24
. the Philosophers of Nature; published by Winfield, IL: Triad Publishing, 2000.

Farrell, Nick. Making Talismans. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 2001.

Greer, John Michael. Circles of Power. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 1997.

———. Earth Divination Earth Magic: A Practical Guide to Geomancy. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 1999.

———. Natural Magic. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 2000.

———. The Art and Practice of Geomancy: Divination, Magic, and Earth Wisdom of the Renaissance. San Francisco, CA/Newbury-port, MA: Weiser Books, 2009.

Regardie, Israel. Foundations of Practical Magic. Wellingborough, Northamptonshire: The Aquarian Press, Limited, 1985.

———. The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic. Phoenix, AZ: Falcon Press, 1984.

———. The Golden Dawn. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 1992.

———. The Philosopher’s Stone. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 1978.

Zalewski, C. L. Herbs in Magic and Alchemy. Bridport, Dorset, UK: Prism Unity, 1999.

Zalewski, Pat. Talismans & Evocations of the Golden Dawn. Loughborough, Leicestershire: Thoth Publications, 2002.

187. Cicero. The New Golden Dawn Ritual Tarot, 224.

188. The blue candle relates to the Sephira Chesed. For a closer planetary association, a violet candle may be used.