Spirit Guard Dog at Work - Hounds and Hauntings

Phantom Felines And Other Ghostly Animals - Gerina Dunwich 2006

Spirit Guard Dog at Work
Hounds and Hauntings


My dad was a medium and I was raised to accept supernatural events. This has made me open to a lot of experiences, including one with the spirit of a guard dog.

There was an old bachelor who had a German shepherd named Miner. Wherever the man went, he took Miner with him. Miner guarded the truck when his master was in the store or away from the vehicle. If a woman passed by the truck, the dog was well behaved. But men were a different story, and he would not allow them to come near the truck. The only man who could get close to Miner was his owner.

In 1973 my husband and I moved into the apartment once occupied by Miner and the old bachelor. It was also the place where the dog had died and been buried. In the backyard was a rectangular concrete border that had a flat stone that said: MINER AT REST.

Only Miner didn’t rest.

I was pregnant at the time and I believe Miner’s spirit protected me when I was home. My husband could come in and out all day long and we never heard a thing, but at night it was a different story. If we left and came back after dark, I always had to go into the apartment first because Miner would not let my husband in until I went in and turned on the light. Only then could he come in. If my husband did try to go in first we both would hear serious growling, and we did not have a pet of any kind.

It was not an easy pregnancy for me and I tired easily. I often went to bed early. Miner did not let my husband in the bedroom if I were lying down after dark either. With the lights off, he sounded ready to attack. I would get up and turn on the bedroom light so that my husband could come in and get in bed and then I would turn off the light and go back to bed.

My husband and I are believers and didn’t want to see what would happen if he ever crossed the line and entered the apartment or the bedroom at night first. I think it wouldn’t have been pleasant. The funny part to me was I felt totally protected there, whereas my husband felt if he had ever raised his voice to me or showed any aggression to me he wouldn’t have been safe.

What I never understood was why Miner’s spirit stayed at that apartment instead of following his owner when the man moved away, because the man was still alive when we lived there, and Miner loved that man. I have a few pets that have crossed over and they have moved with me and I sometimes see their “shadows” and feel them around me.