The Messenger - Hounds and Hauntings

Phantom Felines And Other Ghostly Animals - Gerina Dunwich 2006

The Messenger
Hounds and Hauntings

by Brenda Pelletier

Pat and I have been good friends for many years now. She had two pugs that have since passed on. I never met the first one, but I knew Willie. He was a cute loving little pug that grew to love me through the few years that I knew him. Willie used to love to sit on my lap when I visited. I brought him goodies; his favorite was cherry tomatoes.

At the age of sixteen, Willie became very sick with a brain tumor and passed on. It was such a sad day. Pat, who is unmarried and whose dogs were her life, held his urn for hours and rocked him and cried.

One day, about two weeks after Willie’s death, I was doing dishes. I looked up and through the window by the sink I saw a little pug that looked just like Willie walk by with his tail wagging. He looked so happy and well. I thought a dog had gotten in the yard even though our backyard is fenced in. It took me by surprise. I ran outside and looked for this dog, but there was none!

I knew then it was Willie. I also knew he wanted me to tell his “mommy” that he was happy and well and for her not to cry anymore.

It took me a month to tell this to Pat, but when I did she couldn’t understand why Willie didn’t go to her. I don’t understand it either, but I feel that he chose me to be his messenger.

I’ll remember the day Willie appeared to me for the rest of my life. I was convinced there is life after death.