The Scratching on the Bedroom Door - Hounds and Hauntings

Phantom Felines And Other Ghostly Animals - Gerina Dunwich 2006

The Scratching on the Bedroom Door
Hounds and Hauntings

by Lonnie E. Scott

I received a rat terrier puppy when I was thirteen years old, and my family named him Pokey. That dog was the most wonderful friend and companion any young boy could have. He so loved us that he hung on to life through a few bouts of illness that should have killed him. He finally passed on from this world in the winter of 2003.

Three nights after Pokey’s departure, I was awakened by a scratching on my bedroom door. I was extremely tired and never thought twice about getting out of bed to let Pokey in so he could sleep with me. I opened the door and watched his tail wagging in excitement as we climbed into bed and went to sleep. It never occurred to me that this shouldn’t be happening until the following morning when I realized what had occurred. My heart broke again.

I didn’t tell anyone else in the house what had happened until one by one they revealed that they were all awakened by scratching at their doors and also got up to let Pokey in. I knew it wasn’t my imagination or a dream after hearing their tales. I knew Pokey was still with us.

I only wish I could scratch his ears again. But I know one day I will.